Page 29 - Martial Science Magazine Aug/2014 #4
P. 29
him. It reminds me Los Angeles, the Do You insert Chi Kung techniques in your
climate, the beach, the occasions when he teaching program?
requested me to teach the lesson for him or
to demonstrate or explain something in the Naturally, the qigong, kyusho, dim mak and
lectures for instructors; in general, those acupuncture are applied in my personal
memories represent a paternal figure in a teaching program. I should point out that I
very special moment of my life. am faithful to Bruce Lee, and when I show
his JKD, I do it the way he did it, without
Do You can talk about your Martial Arts adding anything to it. When I perform kali, I
Association? do it like Master Inosanto without changing
anything. But, in our academy, there is a
My martial arts partnership is acknowledged lesson where I teach my students how to
by the Olympic Committee and the General mix all the techniques at the same time
Council of Exercise. It is the first one to either for self-defense or for MMA; the
unite Kyusho / dim mak, withJeetKuneDo. outcome is a more complete system.
Moreover, it is the former to introduce
long-distance studies to prepare instructors Your knowledge of acupuncture and therapist
from intricate areas; the main goal of this has been helpful in martial arts?
project is to spread out Bruce Lees’ message
all through the Latin American geography, My acquired knowledge as a Doctor on
so that we can honor our master and ensure Chinese Medicine has helped a lot to
his message never dies. develop my martial arts studies, since it is
AUGUST/2014 29