Page 44 - Ciencia Marcial 02 para Imprimir_Neat
P. 44
Translation: Daryanis Tamayo
The Right Way
Provides Speed and Strength.
By: Angel Montes de Oca
To accomplish an optimal training level in any
sports discipline and particularly in martial arts,
a sportsman must achieve a harmonic balance of
certain forms and aspects of such discipline. My
objective focused on explaining from theory and
practice some of the most important ones:
(I). - Physical preparation: Itis the stage of the
training phase devoted to keep and develop the
necessary physical capacities to carry out the spe-
cific actions of each discipline effectively, such as:
strength, resistance, speed, movability and coordi-
nation. These qualities permit the athlete to bear up
the amount and intensity of the training sessions,
and help to avoid injure.
(II). - Psychological preparation: this stage of e.g.: a beginner may have faster movements while
the preparation phase involves the practitioner’s and older practitioner might be slower but stron-
motivations, reasons for training systematically ger; what works for an opponent might not work
and the effort to be submitted. It includes the prac- for the other. The setting is absolutely different.
titioner’s attitude towards wearisome during the
training sessions, the frustrations when facing a
new and harder exercise and how to react either for
victory or defeat; specifically, how to behave versus
an opponent physically and technically superior,
not to give up, but to be convinced that winning is
(III). - Tactic preparation: It is closely related to (IV). - Technical Preparation: To many sports’
strategy and basically consists on how to employ trainers, it is the most important stage of the tra-
the technique. e.g.: a front kick is simply a front ining period. It may be define as ¨the manner in
kick and a straight punch is not more than that; which the technical details of any movement are
However, they involve actions or means of more carried out to reduce energy and time consuming
or less magnitude depending on the opponent´s to its minimum, achieving more effectiveness in
size. A tall opponent will require a large-scale ac- such movements¨.
tion; serving a larger purpose, meanwhile a shorter Examples:
opponent will require a small-scale action for the Two weeks ago I was practicing with afriend of mine
same purpose. A smart fighter does not move in
the same way versus different gifted opponents;