Page 46 - Ciencia Marcial 02 para Imprimir_Neat
P. 46
tion can be carried out. All this applied science is focused on, it means that, it is no possible to kick
called sports technique. Obviously, the technical pre- at any height if the knee did not reach such level
paration teaches and improves all that, and helps to previously.
better up the specific actions of all disciplines. The movement must begin on the hip and should
be transmitted to the foot. To achieve this goal, the
For more than 25 years devoted to martial arts, first hip must be shot, so that it “pulls the knee ahead”
as acompetitor and as a trainer after retired; I have reaching the necessary height to kick, the knee will
learned that when strength, speed, and resistan- guide the foot. This action must focus on the hip
ce of a martial artist get to its limits, the adequa- and not on the foot.
te technique can be a mean to an aim. The right
way or technique makes it possible to eliminate EXERCISE 1
unnecessary movements that cause waste of time
and energy; it can also improve balance, which is The exercise consists of kicking from the position
an important element in producing a strong kick, presented in picture 1a on the photo sequence
and thus coordinating a set of technical elements to hereby presented, such position will not allow
create combinations. It should be considered that the practitioner to start the movement neither
the sum of small errors might bring about lack of by the foot nor by the knee, but it will oblige him
effectiveness of actions and such errors should also to push the knee with the hip, so that he can
be eliminated one by one. move the foot from the ground. After the kic-
king, the leg must return to its original position
I would like to share a set of exercises that I deve- (see the photo sequence 1a-1c).
loped as a Tae Kwon Do trainer in Cuba, my birth
nation. There is also a brief analysis of the most COMMON ERROR # 2
common errors they tend to overcome.I am sure Not to Project the hip forward (towards the objec-
that most trainers have noticed those errors in tive) while kicking.
their students, mainly in beginners. Practicing the- We frequently find students with very long and
se exercises will contribute to the development of strong legs, adequate balance, and an apparently
the habits known as: muscular memory, the prac- acceptable fitness in their movements; but the effi-
titioner will need this, so as to, improve his kicking ciency and potential of their kicking is not enough
technique; specifically, Mae Geri / Ap Chagui/ or or are in accordance with their corporal develo-
front kick, the one my trainer called ¨the mother pment. Perhaps, it is necessary to check out, how
of all kicks¨ this student is moving the hip.
(1). – Not to elevate the knee up to the objecti- The hip muscles are short, thick and they are
ve which is intended to be kicked. We frequently among the strongest muscles of the human body.
see practitioners that make all their efforts to have
their feet reach the punching shovel, consequently;
they elevate the leg almost extended.
When kicking, the knee represents the same func-
tion of the hole of a gun; when shooting the bullet
will follow the same direction that it was previously