Page 47 - Ciencia Marcial 02 para Imprimir_Neat
P. 47
Exercise 1 Besides, they are located around the human body
1A gravity center. In mostcases, it turns almost impos-
sible to reach the maximum potential of our kicks,
1b without projecting the hip to the objective.
This exercise constitutes a variant of the exercise
presented above. What varies here is the initial
position and using the frontal leg for kicking (see
picture 3ª-3c)
Measuring the length of the practitioner’s leg
and adding about 6 to 8cm/4 to 5 inches, will
result in the right space to place the object to
be kicked, it could be a shovel to be hold by a
trainer or a fellow.It could also be a ball tied to
a thread, or any other thing, which might come
to the reader´s mind. Placing the objective fa-
rer than the distance the practitioner can cover
by the length of his leg, will oblige him to push
forward with his hip so that he reaches it. Re-
peating this exercise will develop the habit to
use the hip and improves the power of is front
Not to hook the leg immediately after kicking.
In my opinion, this is the most commonly seen
error in most kicks. Once the action is finished, it
can be noticed that many martial artists take the
leg to the ground absolutely extended. It provokes
loss of balance and the control of the body; it also
makes them vulnerable to any counterattack.
Most kicks pull the leg away from the gravity center
of the body; when it is hooked and returned to its
original position, it makes possible to recover the
balance of the body and to continue with another
attack, no matter whether the first attack was suc-
APRIL/2014 47