Page 135 - 15-44 Feb 20 2019
P. 135

Chicken Arrabiata

                               "This recipe may be made 2 days in advance and stored in the

           Main Dishes

                      38 min
                      Ready In
                      2 h 10 min

              INGREDIENTS                           DIRECTIONS
              10 pieces of chicken on the bone      Preheat oven to 400° F. Heat oil over medium
              ó FXS DOO SXUSRVH ÀRXU  FDQ XVH       heat in a large, deep saucepan, and have a large
              potato starch or other gluten-free    EDNLQJ SDQ UHDG\ QHDUE\  3ODFH WKH ÀRXU DQG
              ÀRXU                                  some salt and pepper into a gallon freezer bag or
              Kosher salt and black pepper to       large bowl, and mix. Dredge the chicken in the
              taste                                 ÀRXU  VKDNH Rϑ H[FHVV  DQG EURZQ DERXW   SLHFHV
              3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil  at a time, until browned, about 5 to 6 minutes
              1½ medium red onions, chopped         per side. Place into the large baking pan.
               DERXW   FXSV                         When all of the chicken has been browned,
              8 cloves garlic, roughly chopped      scoop up and discard about 3 tablespoons of
              1 red pepper, chopped into ½-inch     the oil in the pan. Reduce heat to medium low.
              dice                                  Add the onions and cook for 5 minutes, stirring
              1 Poblano pepper, seeds removed,      occasionally. Add garlic, red peppers, Poblano,
              chopped                               UHG SHSSHU ÀDNHV DQG ED\ OHDYHV  DQG FRRN IRU
               ò WHDVSRRQV UHG SHSSHU ÀDNHV         another 5 minutes.
               PRUH RU OHVV WR WDVWH                Raise heat to high, add the white wine and stir.
              2 bay leaves                          Cook for several minutes, stirring occasionally,
              1 cup white wine                      until the wine has been reduced. Add the tomato
              2 tablespoons tomato paste            paste, canned tomatoes and juices, vinegar and
              1 28-ounce can whole tomatoes,        marjoram, and stir. Cook for 3 minutes. Pour
              tomatoes cut up a bit                 over the chicken in the pan. Cover with heavy-
              1 tablespoon red wine vinegar         duty foil and bake for 1 hour. Uncover the pan
              2 tablespoons fresh marjoram          and bake for another 30 minutes.
              leaves, chopped.

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