Page 64 - 15-40 Jan 23 2019
P. 64
By: Rachel Esses
Dear Rachel,
I recently had a steroid injection for back 2. Eat loads of vegetables. Grill
pain, and suddenly my appetite is out of mushrooms and peppers. Sautee some
control! How do I handle this? riced cauliflower. Have a few extra bowls
Signed, of free vegetables soup. This will help
Suddenly Starved you keep your appetite in check without
adding too many extra calories.
Dear Suddenly Starved, 3. If you do feel that you really need
This is a great question, and I see this often, extra food, try to get the most “bang for
with all sorts of medications ranging your buck.” A few extra egg whites, a pack
from antibiotics to antidepressants, of turkey slices, or an 80 calorie yogurt
and everything in between. Starting or will take the edge off your hunger with
changing a medication can definitely fewer calories and cravings than a cookie
affect the appetite, but it will often be a or some chocolate.
short term issue, until your body gets 4. Distract yourself. Make a list of
used to the dosage. Knowing that you ways to distract yourself, such as reading,
will soon adjust should help you tough it napping, or calling a friend.
out, but here a few more tips to help you
during this harder time: You may need to adjust your expectations,
1. Choose the most filling options. and focus on maintaining your weight
Often, we make our meal and snack rather than losing, until you feel back to
choices based on what we enjoy, or normal. Hopefully these ideas will help
what’s convenient. For the next few days you until the worst of it has passed! Of
or weeks, try to prioritize choosing the course if the problem persists, speak to
most filling options. For example, a pack your health care practitioner.
of Melba toast, with a can of tuna and
vegetables is more filling than a slice of Best,
bread and an ounce or two of cheese. Rachel
Rachel Esses is a nutrition counselor at 1-844-TANYA-DIET (826-9234)
Nutrition by Tanya and is the manager of the Wil- Boro Park 3817 13th Avenue
liamsburg location. Nutrition by Tanya offers person-
Flatbush 1720 East 14th Street Suite M2
alized and practical weight management and nutrition
Williamsburg 146 Spencer Street Suite #2010
counseling to children, men, and women. Nutrition by
Tanya has locations in Boro Park, Flatbush, Williams- Queens 72-38 Main Street
burg, Monsey, Lakewood, Five Towns, Monroe, and 5 Towns 999 Central Avenue Suite #104
Queens.The office can be reached at 844-Tanya-Diet Lakewood 130 1st Street Suite #203
or You can also visit nu- Monsey 7 Twin Avenue Basement Suite
Page 1 for more info and inspiring success Monroe Business Center Suite #405 G
stories and photos.
Upstate Fitness Factory 36 Forestburgh Road
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