Page 27 - Simplified Wastewater Treatment Fundamentals\SBR
P. 27

Sequential Batch Reactors (SBR)

                        The diligent Operator must be aware of following SBR conditions:

                        Know Your Flow Rate Throughout the Day

                        •      Is the flow rate low, average or high?

                        •      If the facility has a flow equalization tank, know the level of the tank throughout the day.

                        Observe the Aeration Tank Surface during the React phase

                        •      Is there even air diffusion across the entire surface of the tanks?

                        •      Look for dead spots (diffusor clogs) or blow outs (diffusor rupture)

                        •      Know the DO levels throughout the React (Aeration) phase

                        Observe the Settling Tank Surface

                        •      What is the target Settling phase blanket depth?

                        •      How is the blanket depth trending from day to day?

                        •      Is there gasification or solids observed floating on the surface?
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