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19 Julie 2018                                                    Potchefstroom Herald                       15
    Cake decorators’ guild re-launching in


    Are you interested in baking and cake   on different techniques, hints, designs     Join The South African Cake Deco-  purchase at the venue.
    decorating? Are you a home-baker, be-  and  photographs  showcasing  sugar-  rators’ Guild for an open meeting at       For  more  information,  contact
    ginner or a professional? This is for   craft items from all over South Africa.  Rooshoek  Gastehuis  and  Teetuin  at  head office at 011 394 6469, Potchef-
    every cake-loving person.                 The South African Cake Decora-    09:30 for 10:00 on Saturday 28 July.  stroom  branch  at  060  600  2721  or
        The South African Cake Decora-    tors’ Guild also has a website provi-     To RSVP, WhatsApp 060 600 2721  send          an        email       to
    tors’ Guild will soon be re-launched in   ding contacts within the organisation,  with the names and contact numbers You can also
    Potchefstroom and Potchefstroom re-   dates and venues of upcoming events  of people attending before Wednesday  visit their website at
    sidents  now  have  the  chance  to         including   demonstrations,   work-  25 July.                         or their Facebook page at South Afri-
    become members.                       shops, exhibitions and competitions.    Refreshments  will  be  available  for  can Cake Decorators’ Guild.
        The South African Cake Decora-
    tors’ Guild has been painting the art
    of  cake  decorating  for  the  past  40
    years.  They  have  monthly  meetings
    with demonstrations for members at
    all levels of expertise.
      There  are  branches  countrywide
    where members get to meet         like-
    minded people. Members can visit the
    branches while away from home or in
    other areas of your city of residence
    to exchange ideas and techniques.
        Being a member will also give you
    access to the ‘Sugarcraft’ magazine –
    the  South  African  Cake  Decorators’
    Guild magazine and is not for sale to
    the general public. It contains articles   Some of the cakes decorated by the South African Cake Decorators Guild. Photo:
    Klawerhof hou pretloop ten bate van die Eikelaning

                                          Klawerhof  dameskoshuis  van  die       Ander deelnemers is welkom om ook  wintersoggend. Die pretloop begin om
                                          Noordwes-Universiteit  is  baie  besorg  skenkings te gee.  Al die geld gaan na  09:30 en duur tot 11:00, waar die Par-
                                          oor die toestand van die historiese Ei-  die Eikelaan-belangegroep vir hul pro-  krun plaasvind op die hoek van Govan
                                          kelaan en hou Saterdag ’n pretloop om  jek om die Eikelaan te red.          Mbeki-rylaan en Retiefstraat.
                                          Potchefstromers  opnuut  bewus  te      Sy sê Klawerhof sien baie uit daarna   Inligting is ook beskikbaar by https://
                                          maak van dié laning.                  om deel te neem en deel te wees van po-
                                            Die pretloop vind saam met Parkrun  gings om die Eikelaan vir die nagelsag  events/1013560362154258/?ti=ia
                                          se  gereelde  Saterdagoggend-byeen-   te bewaar.                            waar  deelnemers  ook  kan  aandui  of
                                          koms plaas.                             Klawerhof nooi almal om Saterdag  hulle  gaan  deelneem  deur  “Going”  te
                                            Die organiseerder, Lyrinda Venter, sê  hul  ondersteuning  vir  die  projek  te  druk.
                                          Klawerhof wil saam met die Eikelaan-  kom  wys  en  hulself  sommer  lekker   Deelnemers kan egter sommer ook
                                          belangegroep  weer  ’n  bewusmaking  warm te draf of te stap op ’n heerlike  net opdaag.
                                          skep en Potchefstomers aanmoedig om
                                          betrokke te raak om die laning van ag-
                                          teruitgang te red.  Verskeie bome in die
                                          laning  moet  vervang  en  onderhou
                                          word.                                                              North West Provincial
                                            Venter sê sy het sakeondernemings                                         Legislature
                                          gevra om deelnemers van verskillende
                                          koshuise vir die pretloop te borg. Hulle
    Lyrinda Venter, HK lid van Klawerhof, het  draf of stap in ’n T-hemp of met ’n logo
    die projek geloods. Foto: Marianke Saayman  van die betrokke onderneming.                             BID INVITATION
                                                                                                           BID NO: NWPL 02/2018/19
      Kom geniet Potchefstroom                                                     The appointment of a panel of suppliers for the supply, delivery and installation of office furniture on as
                                                                                      and when required basis for the North West Provincial Legislature for a period of three years.
                                                                                  The North West Provincial Legislature hereby invites proposals from well-established and experienced service providers for
      Dienssentrum se Wynfees                                                     the appointment of a panel of suppliers for the supply, delivery and installation of office furniture on as and when required
                                                                                  basis for the North West Provincial Legislature for a period of three years.
                                                                                  Evaluation Criteria
      Potchefstroom  Dienssentrum  vir  en kan hierdie primêre dienste nie        This will be done in accordance with the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act No 5 0f 2000, as amended in
                                                                                  2011. The Bid will be evaluated at two stages based on functionality (first stage) and 80/20 Point System (Second
      bejaardes bied op Vrydag 27 Julie  gelewer word nie. Die Wynfees be-        Stage). Bidders must obtain a minimum of 70 points required for functionality in order to be considered for the second
      hul  15de  Wynfees  by  die  Nelson  staan  uit  ’n  driegang  maaltyd,  ’n   stage of evaluation.
      Mandela Banketsaal aan.             wynproe, ’n wynveiling en ’n dans
        Hierdie  Wynfees  is  een  van  die  na die tyd. Blue Bottel Suidsentrum   No   Technical/Functional Requirements
      jaarlikse  instellings  op  die  diens-  behartig  die  kontantkroeg  en  het   1  Project plan/proposal. (20 points)
      sentrum  se  fondswerwings  kalen-  ook  verskeie  kelders  vir  die  aand   2    Management Component.(20 points)
      der, wat die dienssentrum in staat  gereël. Die wynproe begin reeds om
      stel om noodsaaklike dienste soos  17:00, waartydens sop en brode ge-        3    Demonstrate Experience in supply, delivery and installation of office (25 points)
      tuisverpleging,  aanry  etes  en  ver-  niet gaan word.                      4    Reference letters (10 points)
      voer aan ouer persone te kan lewer.   Die amptelike opening vind plaas
        Sonder  die  Potchefstroom  ge-   om 19:00. Kontak gerus die diens-        5    Manufacturing agreement (15 points)
      meenskap se ondersteuning sal die  sentrum vir kaartjies teen R250 per       6    Delivery vehicle (10 point)
      projekte nie so suksesvol wees nie  persoon by (018) 293 0678.
                                                                                        Total points 100
                                                                                  Compulsory Briefing Session
                                                                                  A briefing session will be held as follows:
                                                                                  Time: 10:00 am
                                                                                  Date: 26 July 2018 on Wednesday
                                                                                  Venue: NWPL Conference Room, Dr. James Moroka Drive, Legislature building, Mmabatho
                                                                                  Bid Reference Submissions and Closing Date
                                                                                  Bid Reference number: NWPL 02/2018/19. The appointment of a panel of suppliers for the supply, delivery and installation of
                                                                                  office furniture on as and when required basis for the North West Provincial Legislature for a period of three years. The closing
                                                                                  date for this Bid is 21 August 2018 at 11:00 am. The Tender-Box is situated on the ground floor of the Legislature’s
                                                                                  building at Dr. James Moroka Drive, Legislature Building, MMABATHO.
                                                                                  Bid Documents Availability
                                                                                  The Bid document will be available for collection at the North West Provincial Legislature SCM Unit from 25 July 2018
                                                                                  at 14:00 pm and may be collected during office hours.
                                                                                  Information Centre
                                                                                  For more information on the bid enquiries and SCM please contact:
                                                                                  For more information on the bid enquiries and SCM please contact Ms Same Makgetla on  (018) 392 7177 or Mr T
                                                                                  Setuki on (018) 392 7300 or or Ms B Ditlhokwa on (018) 392 7774 by Email: during office
                                                                                  For technical information please contact:
                                                                                  For technical information please contact Ms. Same Makgetla on (018) 392 7177 or  Email:
                                                                                  The NWPL Building is a National Key Point, thus resulting in the appointed bidder having to undergo a compulsory
      Die Wynfees is elke jaar 'n groot sukses. Hier is die Van Loveren uitstallers tydens   security screening and vetting. The approved bidder will also be expected to sign a service level agreement with the
      verlede jaar se fees. Foto: Verskaf
                                                                                Kone Solutions K29672
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