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10                        Potchefstroom Herald                                                    19 Julie 2018
    Fifth craft beer festival

    trebles income

    Dustin Wetdewich                                    The Tablers also upgrade the Dienssentrum
                                                    facilities each year, support feeding schemes and
    ‘It was really amazing. We definitely tripled the   organise the annual Wish Week. With this event,
    profit from last year’s event. With it being in the   Round Table tries to grant the wishes of the needy
    winter and without the students, I can’t thank the   at the end of the year. It also funds the child court
    Potchefstroom community enough for coming to    project, which looks to revamp the rooms at the
    support the beer fest,’                         Potchefstroom children’s court.
          These  were  the  impassioned  words  from        According to Visagie, the festival drew about
    Jacques Visagie, the public relations officer of   850 punters through the doors.
    Round Table 47 Potchefstroom and the beer fest      A former Tabler, Guy Verkoeyen, flew in from
    convenor.                                       Belgium especially to judge the ‘Craft Beer Fest
        Round Table held its fifth craft beer festival   Beer  of  2018’.  Rocklands  Brewery  won  this
    at the Snowflake on 14 July. All the funds raised   award for their Threshing Blonde pale ale.
    by the event will be used to support various pro-    ‘For five years, the funds raised at the beer
    jects  within  the  community  of  Potchefstroom.   festival have been helping the community of Pot-
    These include the bus project, which offers the   chefstroom in many ways. It has been our biggest
    elderly a lift to the municipality to pay their water   fundraiser – something we couldn’t do without
    and electricity bill and to Pick n Pay for their gro-  the people of Potchefstroom and our sponsors,
    cery shopping once a month.                     Team Daly,’ said Visagie.                      Punters came dressed for the occasion. Photo: Paul Els/The Flasher

                                                             Vullistrollie-projek baie suksesvol

                                                             Die “Maak Potch Mooi” veldtog van die Potch-   Die besigheid kan sy naam en logo op die kante
                                                             Tlokwe Sakekamer en gepaardgaande trollie-   van die trollie aanbring. Meer as een besigheid kan
                                                             projek is baie suksesvol en die sakekamer sal  ook ‘n trollie borg en die koste deel.
                                                             dit graag wil uitbrei. So sê die voorsitter van   Die projek skep dus ook werk vir die werkers
                                                             die sakekamer, Bennie Groenewald.            wat die trollies beman.
                                                               Hy sê die trollieprojek word reeds vir ses   Vir meer inligting skakel 071 608 8775.
                                                             jaar deur die plaaslike sakekamer bedryf en
                                                             nagenoeg 500 sakke vullis word maandeliks      Die sakeondernemings wat tans die trollies
                                                             daardeur in die stad opgetel.                borg is:
                                                               Daar is tans veertien trollies wat deur sake-  •ALS Head Quarters
                                                             ondernemings geborg word en ’n groot deel      •BKD Ouditeure
                                                             van die stad skoonmaak.                        •FFG
                                                               Dit strek reeds van MC Roode-rylaan, Sen-    •Fuller Civils
                                                             traal Potchefstroom tot by Miederpark, die ny-  •Staalbeer
                                                             werheidsgebied en die N12.                     •Pine Grove Rentals
                                                               Die trollies kan al op talle plekke in die stad   •Seeff
                                                             gesien word wat daagliks rommel optel. Tot     •Potch Plastiek
                                                             45 sakke vol vullis per week word deur som-    •The Roots
                                                             mige sakeondernemings se werker met sy trol-   •Meyer van der Walt prokureurs
                                                             lie opgetel.                                   •Just Tiffany
                                                               Die  sakeonderneming  betaal  R300  per      •Duet-gemeente
                                                             maand en hul betaal ook die werker wat die     •Miederpark Spar
      Die vullistrollie-projek is reeds baie suksesvol. Foto: Verskaf  vullis optel.                        •Plumbers Depot

    Potchefstroom se Botes-sussies slaan asems weg in Bulgarye

    Wouter Pienaar                        Miss Charity, wat ‘n groot eer is. Vol-  cess Universe. ‘n Bonus vir Andruscka  cka sal dan saam met die SA direkteur,
                                          gens haar ma, Bianca Botes, het deel-  is dat sy in 2019 na Bulgarye moet te-  Amanda Kriel, terugkeer.
    Die twee jong Potchefstroomse Botes-  nemers die SOS Diere-eenheid besoek  rugkeer  om  die
    sussies, Chaniqwa en Andruscka het  waar hulle net hulself moes wees – iets  gesogte  kompeti-
    die afgelope maand weer puik in top  wat Chaniqwa presies reggekry het.     sie  aan  te  bied
    modekompetisies presteer.               Andruscka Botes is ook gekroon as  saam  die  direk-
      Chaniqwa Botes is gekroon as Little  Little Princess of Europe, World & Uni-  teur  Yordan  Ba-
    Queen World  2de prinses, asook Little  verse, asook die gesig van Little Prin-  charov.  Andrus-

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