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19 Julie 2018                                                    Potchefstroom Herald                         9

      Performing is her life’s passion
       Performing is her life’s passion

                                                           the overall winner (all ages) in acrobatic dance.
            An aspiring young performing artist and model      In 2017, she toured with IFAA to the Internatio-
            from Potchefstroom is on her way to Orlando Flo-  nal  Championships  in  Namibia  and  was  again
            rida to take part in an international event.
                                                           proclaimed the runner-up in the overall junior
                Kiana Koekemoer (12) will take part in the Ap-  dance.
            plause Rising Talent Showcase (ARTS) under the     In 2018, while still preparing for the coming
            auspices of Kim Myers, a well-known internatio-  Arts contest in Orlando, she quickly participated
            nal scout in the USA from 23 to 29 July.       in the SA Championships of Performing Arts (SA-
                She will be dancing, acting and modelling in  COPA) and received five gold medals and one sil-
            front of top agents, managers and casting direc-  ver for dance.
            tors in the industry and will get to meet, learn   While she made the SA Team to participate in
            from, perform in front of and be interviewed by  the  World  Championships  of  Performing  Arts
            scouts from leading brands in Los Angeles, Orlan-  (WCopa) in Los Angeles this month, she had to
            do, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, and Miami.     turn it down because of her prior commitments
                Performing is her life.                    with Arts 2018 in Orlando.
              Kiana started dancing and acting classes at the     Her dream is to be a star and perform on stage,
            age of seven and competed in the International Fi-  TV and on the silver screen. She wants to study
            ne Arts Association (IFAA) South African Champi-  performing arts and fashion design and, one day,
            onships from 2013 to 2016. She scored Diamond  run her own performing arts and fashion design
            Team (above 95 per cent) in all her dance genres  school.
            every single year.                                 Kiana is prepared to work hard to achieve and
                During the 2016 IFAA (International Fine Arts  fulfil her dream.
            Association) South African Championship finals,   This  opportunity  to  showcase  her  talents  in
            Kiana  earned  the  trophy  for  the  overall  junior  America is part of her career-building journey and          Kiana     Koekemoer's
            (3-14 years) winner in dance and the trophy for  we wish her all the best.                                         dream  is  to  perform  on
                                                                                                                               stage. Photo: Supplied

    INTBU denies any partnership or involvement

    Monica  Seleke,  director,  International   In a recent article published in the He-  I have a strong suspicion that Rev.   sponsors, is involved in numerous com-
    Bureau  of  Understanding,  Potchefstroom,   rald (6 and 12th July), it claims that Mo-  Mowandi wrote this article to give his  munity development, feeding and spon-
    writes:                               thusi Senyatseng (Pty) Ltd is working  company, Mothusi Senyatseng (Pty) Ltd  sorship projects that have had a signifi-
                                          with the International Bureau of Under- more recognition in the local communi- cant impact in the community of Pot-
    We deny any partnership or involvement  standing (INTBU) to make Nelson Man- ty.                                  chefstroom.
    with Mothusi Senyatseng (Pty) Ltd, or  dela Day possible for people from the   INTBU,  with  the  support  of  around    We have touched lives. It’s a legacy we
    its director Rev. Mothusi Mowandi.    Tshwaraganang Centre in Ikageng.      6 000 local members and international  hold proud.

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