Page 4 - The Home Front - Fall 2019
P. 4


           sECREts                                                                           904-900-4766

                                                                                          Estate Publishing, LLC
                                                                                               Charles Zitsman
                                              to provide any homeowner free     
                                              advice regarding the potential                   (904) 377-5725
                                              sale or rental of their home,
                                              with absolutely no obligations.                Associate Publisher
                                              If nothing else, this edition will                Mario Gonzalez
                                              provide a barometer in which
                                              you can measure any Real Estate               Content Coordinator
                                              Agent against our team, so we                      Meeka Cook
                                              hope you enjoy it.
                                                                                        Any content, articles, advertising,
                                              Additionally, this edition is quite       or any other submitted materials
                                              special to our publication staff. As      are not necessarily endorsed by
                                              a graduate of the united States            or represent the views of Navy
                                              Naval Academy in 1996, we will            to Navy Homes (N2N) or Estate
                                              be introducing you to a couple               Publishing (EP). N2N or EP
                                              of young future superstars from            shall not be responsible for the
                                              Jacksonville. local graduating           reliability, suitability or timeliness of
                                              seniors who have been selected           any content submitted. All content
                                              to attend the Naval Academy and          is done so at the sole discretion of
                                              will serve as proud representatives         the submitting party. 6-1019
                                              from Jacksonville as they lead
                                              the future of our Navy across the            © 2019 Estate Publishing.
                                                                                              All Rights Reserved.

                                              finally, we have compiled a list
           Shockingly, over 25% of            of our top trusted affiliates in
           homes listed by “professional”     this publication. You will find that     TAblE of
           agents never sell. Currently, in   they hold their service to the
           Jacksonville, the average Realtor   same level as we do. So, if you         ContEnts
           has sold 2.3 homes this year. How   have a home need, give them a
           is it that Navy to Navy Homes      call. As always, we are open to           04   HoME SEllING SECRETS
           continues to outperform large      suggestions as to how we can
           agencies in just about every       improve our magazine to make it           05   PREfERREd ExPERT INdEx
           metric…well…it’s kind of a secret!  more interesting. I would like to             SHINING STARS of
                                              hear from you; please call or drop        06   JACkSoNvIllE
           we are asked all the time why      me an email.
           our homes sell in 1/3 the days on                                            10   CAlENdAR of EvENTS
           market as the competition and                                                12   GoING MobIlE wITH YouR HoME
           why we average almost 3% higher
           on our sales prices than other                                               16   RoCkET YouR lISTING wITH A
           agencies. well, in this edition of   Mario Gonzalez                               CoMING SooN CAMPAIGN
           the Homefront, we will reveal a    Associate Publisher, The Home front       17   AREA HoMES Sold STATS
           couple of our secrets. At least at a   broker / owner of Navy to Navy
           basic level. we are always happy   Homes

          904-900-4766                                         4

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