Page 6 - The Home Front - Fall 2019
P. 6
shining stars of Jacksonville
By Mario Gonzalez of Navy to Navy Homes
As a 24-year retired Navy vet, I am never anything short of amazed to see young people who accept the challenge to
attend a service academy. Their extraordinary achievements in high school go beyond the average student. They must
establish themselves as incredibly accomplished students, as capable athletes and must show leadership potential through
numerous channels to even be considered as a candidate. last year over 16,000 students applied to the Naval Academy,
and only 1200 were selected for the class of 2023. we would like to introduce you to three of the outstanding future
leaders from your hometown of Jacksonville.
tIAAn’s stoRy
appointment to the class of 2021
after the application process. After
receiving encouragement from his
brother Gavin, Tiaan successfully
applied to the uSNA as well and
received his appointment to the class he received an appointment to the
of 2023. Academy, and they all hope he will
be able to represent the Navy on the
Several other schools reached out to golf arena regularly.
recruit Tiaan for golf. However, last
year during labor day weekend, he Tiaan’s father said, “both my
and his family traveled to Annapolis boys have never shied away from
and met with Pat owen (the golf challenges and have a strong love for
coach of the uSNA). This meeting their country and desire to serve as
sparked a renewed determination in leaders in the Navy. Although their
Tiaan Mattiace visited the united Tiaan to attend the Naval Academy final career paths are still uncertain, I
States Naval Academy during a and hopefully the opportunity to know that they will work diligently to
6th grade trip to washington d.C. play golf. His family is so proud that succeed.”
Instantly intrigued, he set his sights
on attending the Academy and held The Mattiace family is still surprised
on to that focus throughout his that both of their sons entered the
school years. united States Armed forces as neither
parent has family members who have
Interestingly, his brother Gavin, two served. However, their aunt, (father’s
years his senior, was also interested sister) married a 2-star general in the
in the Naval Academy. However, he South African Army who also holds a
never had the opportunity to visit master’s degree from the u.S. Army
uSNA until he went on a college war College. His parents believe that
road trip with his father the summer the experience and expertise of their
before his senior year at Stanton uncle provided the encouragement
College Prep School. That was and motivation to their boys with
all it took, and he was offered an regards to a military career.
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