Page 10 - The Home Front - Fall 2019
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CALEndAR of EVEnts

          Military Events             Carnival Games • Pumpkin Patch • Face   fri., November 8  professionals committed to the success
                                      Painting • Pony Rides & more!  6  Annual Heroes Gala   of veterans, join our oNu graduates as
          Every Thursday              Time: noon-4pm             @The Ponte vedra Inn & Club  they discuss the experiences they have
          team RWB Runs               Cost: free                 Come out and support the future of   had, challenges they have overcome,
          @1st Place Sports Tapestry Park oR                     veterans and enjoy speaker and author   and what they are doing now.
          bartram Park Tijuana flats  Sat., october 26           Colonel oliver North along with an   Time: 9:30-11:00am
          visit to learn all about the   3  Annual Veteran’s Golf   evening of fine dining and dancing.
          military and veteran’s local chapter of   tournament   Time: 6:00 pm               social Events
          Rwb. The calendar is full of sporting   @bent Creek Golf Course  Cost: $250 (single ticket) $200 (veteran
          and community activities.   Join us for a free round of golf. All   single ticket)  october 11-12, 18-19, 25-27
          Time: 6:30pm                veterans and active military, especially   for sponsorship information, call 904-  14  Annual Catty shack Ranch
          Cost: Check website for details  disabled veterans, are invited to   328-1600.     Halloween Haunted festival
                                      participate.                                           @Catty Shack Ranch wildlife Sanctuary
          Sat., october 12            Time: 8am-3pm              Mon., November 11           Enjoy all the big cats and other animal
          Uso Armed forces Half Marathon &   Cost: fee for all veterans  Veteran’s day Parade  residents as you leisurely stroll through
          freedom 5K                                             @downtown Jacksonville      the sanctuary on your way to the Trail
          @Metropolitan Park          Sat., october 26           Join the City of Jacksonville as we   of fears. for all the little monsters
          one of this city’s largest running events   fellowship Ball 2019 – supporting   honor true American heroes - our   and superheroes out there, be sure to
          unfolds along one of its most scenic   our Veterans    veterans and active-duty military.   check out the amazing new corn maze
          waterfront stretches, with a course   @Embassy Suites by Hilton  This patriotic parade features more   and Zany T’s Touch lab where you will
          that runs almost entirely through the   The National Non-Collegiate Greek   than 4,000 participants including grand   experience the feel of petrifies rat tails,
          neighborhoods and city blocks along the   letter organization Alliance will be   marshals, senior military officials, active-  pig hearts, eyeballs, and much more.
          St. John’s River.           hosting our 1st Annual fellowship ball   duty and retired military, veteran’s   Time: 6-10pm and 20  and 27  1-4pm
          Time: 7am                   to help and support our Nations Heroes.   groups, local high school marching   Cost: $10-$15
          Cost: $25-$40               Come out and join us for some food,   bands, decorative floats, giant balloons,
                                      fun, and music.            JRoTC units and more.       Sat.-Sun., october 12-13
          Thurs., october 17          Time: 6-11pm               Time: 11am-noon             florida’s Largest oktoberfest
          K9’s for Warriors Happy Hour  Cost: $55                Cost: free                  @Jacksonville beach
          @Hyperion brewing Company                                                          Celebrate october with music,
          Join us for k-9 beers and cheer.  Sat.-Sun., october 26-27  fri., November 22      food, and vendors. Sign up for the
          Time: 6-9pm                 nAs Jax Air show           operation new Uniform Graduation  cornhole competition or the bratwurst
          Cost: free                  @uS Naval Air Reserve      @ JAx Chamber3 Independent drive  eating competition. There is also an
                                      Experience the ultimate high-flying acts as   operation New uniform Graduation   opportunity to volunteer for beach
          Sat., october 19            aircraft from the past, present, and future   is an informal morning where our   clean-up and dress your pet for
          fall fest                   showcase their talent and capabilities  oNu veterans share their experiences   dogtoberfest.
          @Mayport - Sea otter Pavilion   Time: 9am              from the program. our guests, often   Time: Noon-8pm
          Costumes • Trunk-or-Treat • Food •   Cost: free        successfully transitioned veterans and   Cost: free, plus vIP starting at $30

          904-900-4766                                         10

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