Page 12 - The Home Front - Fall 2019
P. 12

Going Mobile with your Home

          Contributed by Navy to Navy Homes

          Is this like the tiny house trend?   nation) start with an online search.   they are looking? If you asked the
          okay, okay, we aren’t talking about   Most consumers know this fact as     average Realtor if they produced
          any trend in real estate where       well, even if they don’t know the     a “fully responsive mobile friendly
          your home physically needs to go     exact percentages. what most          single property website” for every
          mobile, this is about marketing.     agents don’t know, is that in the     home they list, most would look at
          The real estate industry has         year 2016, something drastically      you as if you were speaking Greek.
          changed more in the past five        changed with how the consumer         what does that mean anyway?
          years than it has in the past 25     was searching online. That was
          years. It will continue to evolve    the year that the national scales     well, “fully responsive/mobile
          more in the next decade than we      were tipped, and when most online     friendly” is just what it sounds
          can possibly imagine.                home searches were NoT done on        like. It is a website that is friendly
                                               a desktop or laptop computer. They    to all mobile devices, regardless
          If you ask most of the 9000          were done on a mobile phone!          if it is an iPhone or an Android
          real estate agents in Northeast                                            device, or the like. Additionally,
          florida where the average buyer is   wow, so knowing that fact,            it will “respond” to the size and
          searching for homes, they should     why haven’t Real Estate agents        shape of the screen quickly and
          all be able to tell you that over    changed their marketing               automatically, regardless of the
          90% of all home sales (across the    techniques to meet buyers where       device size or orientation. It may

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