Page 11 - The Home Front - Fall 2019
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Thurs.-Sun., october 17-20  with all the instruments of the   The festival attracts 5,000+ visitors each   The Jacksonville light boat Parade has
          southern Women’s show       orchestra. Pre-concert activities begin   year. be sure to wear an ocean themed   been a holiday tradition for more than
          @Prime osborne Convention Center  at 2pm.              costume to win prizes in the costume   30 years. vessels of all shapes and sizes
          The ultimate shopping experience for   Time: 3pm       contest. Join us in celebrating the right   adorn their hulls with festive decorations
          women of all ages. fashion, cosmetics,   Cost: $10-$15  whales annual return to our coast to   as they float along the north and south
          technology, gifts, and health                          give birth to and nurse their young and   banks of the St. John River
          resources.                  Sun., october 27           learn more about right whales and the   Time: 7pm
          Time: Th-Sat – 10am-7pm, Sun.   20  Annual Pumpkin Run 5K & 10K  ongoing efforts to protect them from   Cost: free
          11am-5pm                    @Jacksonville Historical Society  extinction.
          Cost: $12                   Celebrate the pumpkin run in your best   Time: Sat.-10am-6pm, Sun.-10am-3pm  fri.-Sun., November 29 – december 1
                                      costume as we run or walk through the   Cost: free     31st Annual Christmas Made in the
          Sat., october 19            beautiful, historic Evergreen Cemetery.                south
          seafood soul festival       Sponsored again this year by Evergreen   November 23 – January 31    @The Prime osborn Convention Center
          @Morocco Auditorium         Cemetery and 1st Place sports. Run   26  Annual st. Augustine nights   As Christmas time approaches what
          The festival combines the love of   proceeds benefit the Jacksonville   of Lights  better way to get ready for the holiday
          seafood and soul food with live   Historical Society.  @downtown St. Augustine     season than to stroll the aisles for
          entertainment. The event also features   Time: 8-9:30am  don’t miss the award-winning holiday   treasures at this year’s award winning
          general vendors displaying art,   Cost: $25-$30        lights display in historic St. Augustine.   29th annual Christmas Made in the
          clothing, jewelry, household products,   .             during Nights of lights, businesses   South. This nationally acclaimed event is
          and much more. This is a family-  Thurs., october 31   downtown stay open later, letting you   a fantastic way to ease into your holiday
          friendly event.             Mini Monster Mash          dine in view of the lights and shop   shopping and find that special holiday
          Time: Noon – 5pm            @Jacksonville Zoo          amongst the lit buildings. The trains   gift for that “hard to shop for” friend.
          Cost $10                    An all new experience for our youngest   and trolleys offer special seasonal tours   Time: fri. 9am- 6pm, Sat. 10am-6pm,
                                      guests! Take some of the fright out   that take you through the best areas of   Sun. 11am-5pm
          Sun., october 20            of Halloween night and join us on the   Nights of lights, and there are also a   Cost: $8
          Jacksonville symphony -     Great lawn for music, games, and   variety of specialty tours — everything
          spooktacular                candy. kids in costume get into the Zoo   from walking to horse-and-carriage   Thurs., december 12
          @Jacoby Hall                for free with a paying adult. Tell your   tours, and even tours to see the lights   the trans-siberian orchestra
          Spooktacular is back and spookier than   friends!      from the water and from the air.  @vystar veterans Memorial Arena
          ever! Join us for a Halloween concert   Time: 10am-2pm  Time: dusk until…          Presented by Hallmark Channel the
          that’s fun for the whole family. Come   Cost: Adult admission $20  Cost: free      Christmas and other stories musical
          dressed in your Halloween costume for                                              performance is a must for the holiday
          a costume contest, trick-or-treating,   Sat.-Sun., November 2-3  Sat., November 30  season.
          spooky crafts, and our Instrument Zoo   Right Whale festival  Jacksonville Boat Parade  Time: 7:30pm
          – an interactive, hands-on experience   @fernandina beach  @Jacksonville Riverfront  Cost: from $64

          904-900-4766                                         11

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