Page 14 - Town of Newcomb Newsletter - November December 2021
P. 14

Below is a list of the Town of Newcomb’s Supervisor’s from latest back to
         Daniel Newcomb. As you can see many of the earlier Supervisors served
         several times with gaps in between. I will delve into the accomplishments of
         some of them at a future time.
         2018—Present       Robin Deloria

                2016-2017     Wester Miga
                       1990-2015      George Cannon

                              1980-1989      Charles Maddison
                                      1960-1979           Lilburn Yandon

                                             1941-1959         Ernest Rist
          1937-1940    Clarence W. Rice

                 1930-1936    Wiliam Bailey

                       1928-1929          J Leonard Anderson
                              1924-1927          Robert S. McCoy

                                      1920-1923        Patrick J. Tummins
          1909-1919    Albert Bibby

                1907-1908     Edward Spain
                       1903-1906      Albert Bibby

                              1901-1902      Edmond J. Chase

                                      1898-1900     David Hunter
         1897-         Washington Chase
                1890-1896     Dennis Moynehan, Jr.
                       1888-1889      Daniel C. Chase
                              1886-1887      William B. Williams
         1885-         Washington Chase

                1883-1884     William M. Alden
                       1880-1882      Washington Chase

                                                      (continued next page)

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