Page 17 - Town of Newcomb Newsletter - November December 2021
P. 17

Calling All Cooks! ..... The Newcomb Historical Museum
         has found a copy of the “Tahawus & Newcomb Recipes” collected by
         the Class of 1956.

         We are in the process of
         redoing the recipes from
         the book as the pages
         have faded over the
         years and are in some
         cases impossible to
         read. There are some
         great recipes from many
         of the local citizens who
         lived here then. We
         would like to add a sec-
         tion to it with recipes of
         the many great cooks
         we have living here
         now. Although your des-
         sert recipes would be a
         wonderful addition to
         the retro cookbook, we
         really need appetizers,
         salads, main dishes and
         soups, or baked goods like breads and rolls. Possibly a little story of
         interest and of course your name so we can give credit to the Chef.

         Please send them to us at any of the following so that we many in-
         clude them when the recipe book gets reprinted. You can email them
         to, by snail mail at Newcomb Historical Mu-
         seum, P.O. Box 408, Newcomb, NY, 12852 or drop them at the muse-

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