Page 9 - Town of Newcomb Smart Growth Hamlet Plan - 2013
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A Complete Streets Vision 2012  Newcomb Smart Growth Hamlet Plan  The Newcomb Smart Growth Hamlet Plan study area is located along Newcomb’s 11.8 mile section of NYS Route  primary focus area of the Newcomb Smart Growth Plan includes the seven (7) mile roadway segment from the   within the Town of Indian Lake, then passes through Long Lake and  Newcomb, and ends in North Creek in the Town of Johnsburg. For  Newcomb residents, it serves as vital link to nearby Adirondack

                    Study Area                          28N (see Study Area figure next page). While improvements were considered throughout the corridor, the  Blue Ridge Road intersection to the Adirondack Interpretive Center (AIC).  The NYS Route 28N corridor (also known as the Roosevelt‐Marcy Trail Scenic Byway or Roosevelt‐Marcy  Memorial Highway) begins at the intersection with NY 28 and NY 30 near the hamlet of Blue Mountain Lake  day‐to‐day lives while going t
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