Page 3 - Town of Newcomb Newsletter - March/April 2021
P. 3

Newcomb Snowmobile Trails

          The Town of Newcomb in partnership with the Newcomb
          Snowmobile Club are responsible for all trails within the
          Town of Newcomb.

          Our trails are regarded by snowmobile enthusiast as being
          some of the best in the Adirondack Park, leading from the
          Indian Lake/Long Lake town lines to our precious “High Peaks
          Overlook Park”, with scenic vista views of the Adirondack

          High Peaks.

          A special thank you goes out to all trails groomers. Town of
          Newcomb employee, Eugene (Bootie) Bush maintains the
          exterior trails to the County lines. Volunteer Members of the
          Newcomb Snowmobile Club (Scott Fifield, Kevin Dewey, An-
          drew Sanders, and Dave Hughes) maintain the interior trails
          to our local food, gas, and lodging businesses.

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