Page 101 - Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020
P. 101

Interest rates charged on balances outstanding are about   management personnel, and no specific allowance has
a quarter of the rates that would be charged in an arm’s   been made for impairment losses on balances with key
length transaction. The mortgages and secured loans        management personnel and their immediate relatives at
granted are secured over property of the respective        the year end.
borrowers. Other balances are not secured and no           In addition to their salaries, the bank also provides non-
guarantees have been obtained.                             cash benefits to employees, and contributes to a defined
No impairment losses have been recorded against            contribution plan (provident fund) on their behalf.
balances outstanding during the period with key
                                                           2020 	    2019
(a) Loans and advances to employees                        65,971 	  72,816
Balance at 1 January 	                                       (19) 	  (6,845)
Loans advanced during the year	

Balance at 31 December 	                                   65,990 	  65,971

(b) Loan and advances to directors and their associates    2020	     2019
                                                           D’000 	   D’000
The bank has entered into transactions with its directors
and their associates as follows:                           -	 -
	                                                          - 	-
Gross amount at 1 January	
Interest charged	                                          - 	-
Loans disbursed	
Cash received 	                                            - 	-
Net movement in overdraft balances 	
                                                           - 	-

Net amount at 31 December	                                 - 	-

All the transactions with the related parties with the exception of employees are priced on arm’s length basis and have
been entered into in the normal course of business.                                            Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020 99
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