Page 19 - Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020
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key objectives across the affiliate. opportunity to thank our board members, the entire
Having the right talent, with a balance of hard and soft staff and Ecobank Transnational Incorporation for
skills and a forward-thinking mindset is also critical for our their leadership and counsel. To all our customers we
HR transformation journey. With this conviction, we are appreciate the opportunity to serve you.
providing all Ecobankers with the learning opportunities Thank you and God bless us all.
that will allow them to upgrade their skills through the Managing Director
Ecobank Group’s Learning and Development Academy.
In the area of staff motivation and engagement we
strengthened the following in 2020:
Reward: The Group Bonus scheme was implemented
across the entire Group in 2019. We believe that this will
further align performance and rewards more closely with
the long-term sustainability of our business results.
Career Management: We provided all interested staff
with the tools and processes to create their own career
roadmap/paths. To do this we introduced staff to a Group-
wide career portal that allows staff and managers to have
all in one access to the tools which will advance their
careers within the Bank. One of the biggest advantages
is the ability for staff to design their careers by using a
competency-based approach.
Dear Shareholders,
In recognition of our commitment, diligence and
efficiency, Ecobank Gambia earned the following
International awards in 2020:
¦ “Best Bank 2020” from the EMEA Finance African
Banking Awards.
¦ “Bank of the Year 2020” from the Banker’s Bank of the
Year Awards 2020.
Ecobank has long been recognized as a pioneer and we
are proud to be playing a major role in digital banking,
financial inclusion and driving economic and social
development through our multi-channel approach.
These latest awards are the result of the hard work
from Ecobankers as well as the fruitful and sustainable
relationship with our various stakeholders especially
customers. They affirm the effectiveness of our strategy
and our impact on businesses and livelihoods across The
On behalf of the management and staff of Ecobank
Gambia, I would like to thank all our shareholders who
continue to invest in this great bank. I also take the Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020 17