Page 17 - Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020
P. 17

Financial Statements & Annual Report

Managing Director’s address

Dear Shareholders,
I would like to welcome you all to the 12th Annual General
Meeting of Ecobank Gambia Ltd. and to present to you the
financial results of the Bank for the year ended 31st December

Ecobank Gambia again posted a strong financial                BANKING INDUSTRY OVERVIEW
performance for the period under review, as the bank          According to the Central Bank of the Gambia (MPC,
recorded year-on-year growth in both profits and balance      March,2021), The banking sector remains fundamentally
sheet. This is against the backdrop of zero economic          sound with high levels of capital and liquidity. On an
growth projected for The Gambia in 2020 by the IMF,           annualized basis, total assets of the banking industry rose
mainly attributed to the fall-out of the Covid-19 pandemic.   by 3.5 percent, to GMD58.8 billion in December 2020. The
MACROECONOMIC OVERVIEW                                        risk weighted capital adequacy ratio was at 32.6 percent,
The Gambian economy has been significantly affected           which is higher than the 2019 capital adequacy ratio
by the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the International          by 1.2 percentage points and well above the statutory
Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Report (April, 2021), the growth of     requirement of 10 percent.
the Gambian economy is estimated to have decelerated          All the banks in the industry are adequately capitalized
from 6.1 percent in 2019 to zero percent in 2020, due         with liquidity ratio of the industry at 94.4 percent in
primarily to a sharp decline of the tourism sector. The full  December 2020, 2.8 percent higher than the 2019 ratio
impact was partly reduced by good agricultural production     and well above the 30 percent statutory requirement.
and strong private sector construction financed by large      However, the non-performing loans ratio increased to 6.8
inflows of remittances.                                       percent in December 2020, from 4.6 percent a year ago.
Inflation fell from 7.7 percent at end-2019 to 5.7 percent    FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE
at end-2020, partly reflecting weak domestic demand.          The Bank operated under an extremely difficult operating
According to the IMF, the budget deficit was contained        environment in 2020, this was characterized by a surge
at 2 percent of GDP despite the authorities’ swift and        in the number of infections and resulting deaths from
effective responses to address the spread of the COVID-19     the Covid-19 pandemic. The government responded
pandemic and support the population and the economy.          by declaring a state of Public Health emergency and
Liquidity expanded significantly, fueled by private           enforcing lockdowns, restricting business activity and
remittances, but credit to the private sector grew only       movement of the general populace. These measures
by 0.8 percent as banks adopted a prudent approach in         were necessary to curb the spread of the virus, but at the
providing loans, given the highly uncertain economic          same time have had considerable impact on economic
environment.                                                  activity upon which banks thrive.
Going forward, some recovery of economic activity is          Notwithstanding these challenges, Ecobank Gambia
expected in 2021 according to the IMF. This is premised       Ltd. registered growth in all key financial indicators
on a continued good performance of private sector             and further strengthened its market leadership in the
construction and agriculture, the acceleration of projects    industry. Profit before tax grew by 19% to GMD487.6
related to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, as        million (2020). Funded income grew by 24% to GMD449.3
well as a gradual resumption of other activities following    million in 2020, mainly driven by increased investments
the COVID-19 vaccination campaign. In the medium term,        in government securities and Inter-affiliate placements.
economic growth is expected to return to its long-run         Interest income from Loans & Advances also increased
average of about 6 percent as tourism returns to pre-         during the year despite the decline registered on overall
pandemic levels and the global economy recovers.              outstanding balance as at year-end 2020. Non-funded
                                                              income, comprising commissions and fees as well as
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