Page 15 - Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020
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Financial Statements & Annual Report

A word from our chairman

professionalism during the 2020 financial year audits.       to many families around the world and in The Gambia;
OUR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY                                    members of our staff were certainly no exceptions. Some
At Ecobank Gambia, our Corporate Social Responsibility       staff members contracted the virus while others had
(CSR) activities have had a positive impact on the           close family members who had contracted the virus. We
environment and the communities that we serve.               wish to salute and pay homage to our gallant staff who,
Ecobank recognizes the role the communities play in          in spite of an extremely difficult environment, were still
ensuring the Bank remains in business. Giving back to        able to deliver a strong year-end financial performance.
these communities is a core objective for the Bank at        Ecobank Gambia continues to be the pacesetter in the
both the corporate and individual levels. During the year,   local banking Industry, thanks to you our dedicated and
the Bank continued with its CSR programs with a key          loyal staff.
focus on Health.                                             I wish to recognise the leadership of the Managing
In our fight to combat the spread of the COVID-19            Director, Mr. Carl Asem and his professional management
pandemic, in April 2020, Ecobank Gambia contributed          team in providing the required moral support and
a total amount of GMD 1.1 million in support of the          availing the needed resources to ensure the safety and
Government of Gambia’s efforts to fight the spread of        wellbeing of our esteemed customers, members of staff
COVID-19 in the country.                                     and the public. The Bank managed to adhered strictly to
The total amount included a pledge of GMD200,000.00          the guidelines provided by the World Health Organization
to the Gambia Chamber of Commerce to support                 (WHO) and local Health Authorities within and around the
private sector businesses and to minimize the potential      Bank premises.
impact of the pandemic on businesses in the country.         I also wish to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues
Additionally, an amount of GMD250,000.00 was donated         on the Board for their professionalism and immense
to the Ministry of Health towards the purchase of            support that they continue to provide, especially during
essential equipment and logistics required by healthcare     these difficult periods by ensuring the Bank is on the
professionals. Ecobank also donated GMD275,000.00 to         right trajectory in meeting our strategic objectives.
support coronavirus public sensitization and public safety.  And finally, I wish to thank you the shareholders for
Furthermore, Ecobank reduced the charge on Xpress Cash       your continuous support and confidence entrusted in us
withdrawal using our ATMs, to the very minimum, to           to steer the affairs of this great organization to achieve
promote social distancing and uninterrupted access to        even more glories together. We wish to assure you of our
banking services.                                            unrelenting desire to exceed those expectations.
During the year, one of the key CSR activities undertaken    I thank you all.
by the bank was the “Ecobank Day” celebrations. This was     Board Chairman
a Group wide program held on November 11th and driven
in all Ecobank affiliates during the month of November.
The theme was “Experiences of people living with
NCDs with emphasis on diabetes, during the COVID-19
pandemic as well as recommendations for a multisectoral
reform. The 2020 Ecobank Day is a continuation of a three-
year campaign, which was initiated last year under the
umbrella theme of “Together for Better Health”, aimed at
raising mass awareness for Non-Communicable Diseases
and helping to prevent their spread in Africa.
Ecobank also partnered with InnovaRx Global Health
and offered free Diabetes Testing Kits to customers who
purchased drugs either through the Ecobank Pay or the
Mobile App.
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought untold hardship                                              Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020 13
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