Page 53 - Agib Bank Limited Annual Report 2021
P. 53

maintain a credible capital plan to ensure that capital
                     Compliance  with  Bank  standards  is       level of the Bank is maintained in consonance with
                     supported  by  a  programme  of  periodic   the Bank’s risk appetite.
                     reviews undertaken by Internal Audit. The
                     results  of  Internal  Audit  reviews  are           The Bank’s regulatory capital is analysed into two
                     discussed  with  the  management  of  the            tiers:
                     business  unit  to  which  they  relate,  with
                     summaries  submitted  to  the  Audit                 Tier  1  capital,  which  includes  ordinary
                     Committee and senior management of the               share  capital,  share  premium,  perpetual
                     Bank.                                                bonds (which are classified as innovative
                                                                          Tier  1  securities),  retained  earnings,
            (v)     Sharia compliance risk                                translation  reserve  and  other  regulatory
                                                                          adjustments  relating  to  items  that  are
             Sharia compliance risk is the risk of loss arising from      included  in  equity  but  are  treated
            products  and  services  not  complying  with  Sharia         differently for capital adequacy purposes.
            requirements  or  in  accordance  with  Islamic
            principles. The Bank’s purpose is to provide Sharia           Tier  2  capital,  which  includes  qualifying
            compliant  banking  to  customers.  The  Sharia               subordinated liabilities, and the element of
            compliant  nature  of  each  product  and  Service            the  fair  value  reserve  relating  to
            offered  is  therefore  critical  to  the  success  of  the   unrealised  gains  on  equity  instruments
                                                                          classified as available-for-sale.
            The Sharia compliance of each product and service

            offered  is  achieved  via  the  Sharia  Supervisory   Various limits are applied to elements of the capital
            Committee (SSC), which seeks to ensure that the      base; qualifying tier 2 capital cannot exceed tier 1
            Bank’s  operations  are  in  compliance  with  Islamic   capital;  and  qualifying  term  subordinated  loan
            law.  The  SSC  is  comprised  of  experts  in  the   capital may not exceed 50 percent of tier 1 capital.
            interpretation  of  Islamic  law  and  its  application  to   Other deductions from capital include the carrying
            modern day Islamic financial institutions. The SSC   amounts of investments in subsidiaries that are not
            meets  on  a  regular  basis  to  review  all  material
            contracts  and  agreements  relating  to  the  Bank’s   included in the regulatory consolidation, investments
            transactions,  certifying  every  product  and  service   in the capital of banks and certain other regulatory
            offered.                                             items.

                  The  bank  is  currently  holding  558,000  shares  in   Banking operations are categorised as either trading

            Trust  Bank  (G)  Limited  valued  at  D2.193  million.   book or banking book, and risk-weighted assets are
            These shares were given to the bank by the courts    determined according to specified requirements that
            as  part  settlement  of  an  overdue  debt.  Annual   seek to reflect the varying levels of risk attached to
            dividend received does not form part of the bank’s
            annual revenue but is rather given out as charity as   assets and off-balance sheet exposures.

            recommended  by  the  Sharia  Board.  We  are

            negotiating  with  potential  buyers  to  sell  it  off.   The bank’s policy is to maintain a strong capital base
            Dividend of D0.142 million was received in 2021.     so  as  to  maintain  investor,  creditor  and  market
                                                                 confidence and to sustain future development of the
            (vi)  Capital management                             business.  The  impact  of  the  level  of  capital  on
                                                                 shareholders’  return  is  also  recognised  and  the
            Regulatory capital                                   Bank  recognises  the  need  to  maintain  a  balance
                                                                 between the higher returns that might be possible
                   The Central Bank of The Gambia sets and monitors   with  greater  gearing  and  the  advantages  and
            capital requirements for the Bank as a whole. The    security afforded by a sound capital position.

            banking operations are directly supervised by their
            local regulators.                                    The  bank and  its  individually regulated  operations
                                                                 have  complied  with  all  externally  imposed  capital
            In  implementing  current  capital  requirements,  The   requirements throughout the period.            Annual Report and IFRS Financial Statements
            Central Bank of The Gambia requires the bank to

            maintain  a  prescribed  ratio  of  total  capital  to  total   There have been no material changes in the bank’s
            risk-weighted assets. The bank is also required to   management of capital during the period.

                  The Bank’s regulatory capital position at 31 December was as follows:

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