Page 54 - Agib Bank Ltd Annual Report and IFRS Financial statements 2020
P. 54
An analysis of the Bank’s credit risk exposure per class of financial asset, internal rating and “stage” without
taking into account the effects of any collateral or other credit enhancements is provided in the following tables.
Unless specifically indicated, for financial assets, the amounts in the table represent gross carrying amounts. For
loan commitments and financial guarantee contracts, the amounts in the table represent the amounts committed
or guaranteed, respectively
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Loans and advances to
customers at amortised cost 12-month ECL Lifetime ECL Lifetime ECL Total
D'000 D'000 D'000 D'000
Grades 1-3: Low to fair risk 817,963 213,087 - 1,031,050
Grades 4-6 Monitoring - - 95,003 95,003
Grades 7-8: Substandard - -
28,724 28,724
Grade 9: Doubtful - - 12,909 12,909
Grade 10: Impaired - - 20,314
Total gross carrying amount 817,963 213,087 156,950 1,188,000
Loss allowance (13,718) (8,723) (6,149) (28,590)
Total net carrying amount 804,245 204,364 150,801 1,159,410
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Dec-19
Loans and advances to
customers at amortised cost 12-month ECL Lifetime ECL Lifetime ECL Total
D'000 D'000 D'000 D'000
Grades 1-3: Low to fair risk 499,859 199,891 699,750
Grades 4-6 Monitoring - - 96,800 96,800
Grades 7-8: Substandard - -
Grade 9: Doubtful - - 14,574 14,574
Grade 10: Impaired - - 16,699 16,699
Total gross carrying amount 499,859 199,891 139,715 839,465
Loss allowance (3,460) (5,256) (9,886) (18,602)
Total net carrying amount 496,399 194,635 129,829 820,863
Annual Report and IFRS Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2020 53