P. 9

JP: Tell me about the tour
                                                                                                                                                runs you’ve had this year.
                                                                                                                                                  Speed: “Runs” is the correct
 __________                     ___________                                                                                                     word  for  that.  It  actually

                                           SilverTung                                                                                           started  off a little blurry for

                                                                                                                                                us. We started off having too
                                                                                                                                                much  fun  and  realizing  we
                                                                                                                                                had to kick it back a little bit,

           Baltimore-based SilverTung, has been steadily climbing the ladder of success. Certainly, success is not                              straighten  up.  If  we  had  a

           achieved  overnight.  Years  of  honing  your  craft  are  required  in  most  instances.  Speed  (vocals  and                       certain night that was really

           guitar), Codey (lead guitar), and Danno (drums), have been honing their skills and embracing a new                                   blurry,  we  made  sure  the

           venture, a live acoustic album set to be released October 27 . It will be titled “Lighten Up.”  With                                 next night was really clear.
           several Billboard hits in 2017, and fresh, new music slated for 2018, increased travel and tour dates,

           this is an independent band that you should see gain further success. The management, recording                                      JP: Understood. You have
           team, and band, are finely tuned and embarking upon a time when many believe they will see their                                     played  a  fair  number  of

           greatest success. We feel fortunate to bring this interview to you and hope you have an opportunity to                               cities.  You’ve  been  up

           catch them at their very best -- on stage and rocking.                                                                               and  down  the  coast.  Is

                                                                                                                                                there a favorite spot?
           JP:  You’ve  had  a  pretty                                                JP: Tell me about the tour
           good year.                                                                 runs you’ve had this year.                                Codey: Any place warm.
                                                                                        Speed:  “Runs”  is  the  correct
          Speed:  Yes,  we’ve  had  a                                                 word  for  that.  It  actually                            Danno: Orlando.
          great year in fact.                                                         started  off  a  little  blurry  for
                                                                                      us. We started off having too
          JP: How does it feel to be                                                  much  fun  and  realizing  we
          an overnight success?                                                       had to kick it back a little bit,
                                                                                      straighten  up.  If  we  had  a
          Codey:  If  an  overnight                                                   certain  night  that  was  really
          success is like ten years..                                                 blurry, we made sure the next
                                                                                      night was really clear.
          Speed:  While  we  have  had
          success, it’s not an overnight                                              JP: Understood. You have
          success. It’s like every other                                              played  a  fair  number  of
          overnight success.                                                          cities. You’ve been up and
                                                                                      down the coast. Is there a
          JP: Correct. It took Papa                                                   favorite spot?
          Roach      nearly     twenty
          years  to  become  an                                                       Codey: Any place warm.
          overnight success.
                                                                                      Danno: Orlando.
           Speed:  Exactly,  exactly,  it
           was more like 25.                                                          Speed: Orlando was great.

          JP: Tell me about the tour runs
          you’ve had this year.
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