Page 5 - ENCARDIO-RITE - User List
P. 5

Project                     Client                 Scope of works


                                                                                  Web  base  data  monitoring  of
           Deira Waterfront       Multi   Level   Car   Park   Al Futtaim Carillion,   existing  Red  Line  tunnel  and
           Development, Plot 11   construction  adjacent  to   Dubai              shoring works
           Contract, Dubai        existing metro line                             Supply,  installation,    automatic
                                                                                  monitoring, automatic survey
                                                                                  Web  base  data  monitoring  of
                                                                                  existing   Green   Line   tunnel,
           Deira Waterfront       Multi   Level   Car   Park   Al Futtaim Carillion,   Shindagha  tunnel  and  shoring
           Development, Plot 13   construction  adjacent  to   Dubai              works
           Contract, Dubai        existing metro line
                                                                                  Supply,   installation,   automatic
                                                                                  monitoring, automatic survey

                                                                                  Web  base  data  monitoring  of
                                  Heavy construction activities                   existing Red Line Metro Tunnel and
           Masra Al Seef Project,   adjacent  to  existing  metro   Dutco Balfour Beatty/WS   adjacent ground surface
           Dubai                                           Atkins/Halcrow
                                  line                                            Supply,   installation,   automatic
                                                                                  monitoring, automatic survey
                                                                                  Web  base  data  monitoring  of
                                                           A.P.C.C. Piling &
                                  Construction  of  two  towers  Contracting      Existing  Al  Saa’da  Bridge  and
           One Za’abeel ICD       on  either  side  of  existing  L.L.C./Investment   shoring works
           Headquarters, Dubai                                                    Supply,  installation,  manual  +
                                  Bridge; enabling works     Corporation of       automatic  monitoring,  automatic
                                                                                  Web  base  data  monitoring  of
                                  Package-3   Canal   and
           Dubai Water Canal      Coastal  Works  (R999/3)  Belhasa Six Construct   existing metro line piers
                                                                                  Supply,  installation,  manual  +
           Infrastructure         adjacent  to  existing  metro  L.L.C (Besix)/RTA   automatic  monitoring,  automatic
                                                                                  Web  base  data  monitoring  of
           Improvement of Al      Underpass      structures  Wade Adams           existing  Red  Line  Metro  piers  and
           Shindagha Corridor -   adjacent to existing metro   Contracting LLC/Parsons   adjacent ground surface
           Sana Junction, Dubai                                                   Supply,   installation,   automatic
                                                                                  monitoring, automatic survey
                                                                                  Web  base  data  monitoring  of
           Al Garhoud                                                             existing Bridge piers
           Maintenance Facility   Marine Works - quay wall   Dutco Balfour Beatty   Supply,   installation,   automatic
                                                                                  monitoring, automatic survey

                                  Construction works adjacent
           Mediclinic Healthcare   to  existing  metro  station,  Kele Contracting   Supply, installation and monitoring
           City Project, Dubai
                                  shaft monitoring

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