Page 6 - ENCARDIO-RITE - User List
P. 6

Project                       Contractor/ Client           Scope of works


                                  16 km sewer tunnel with 50
           Muharraq STP Project,   main shafts;            Samsung Engineering    Supply, Installation and Monitoring
           Bahrain                                         Co. Ltd.
                                  micro-tunneling project

                                  Contract T01: 13 km main   Samsung C&T          Supply, Installation and Monitoring
                                  sewer deep gravity tunnel     Corporation, Korea

                                  Contract T02 & T03: 25.5
                                  km main sewer deep gravity   Impregilo, Italy   Supply & Installation
           Strategic Tunnel
           Enhancement            Contracts LS01 and LS02:
           Programme    (STEP)     40 km link sewer deep   Zublin, Germany        Supply, Installation and Monitoring
           Project, Abu Dhabi     gravity tunnels

                                  Contract PS01: 100 m deep
                                  x 55 m dia underground
                                  Pump Station             Odebrecht, Brazil      Supply, Installation and Monitoring
                                  One of the deepest and
                                  largest underground pump

           Inner Doha Resewerage   Main Trunk Sewer Tunnel -
           Implementation Strategy  Contract MTS-01, MTS-02 &   ACTS, Doha        Supply, Installation and Monitoring
           (IDRIS)                MTS-03


                                                                                  Supply,   installation,   drilling,
                                  4-lane road tunnel – cut and
           Sheikh Zayed (Al Salam)   cover,   3   km   long;   4   Samsung – Saif Bin   surveying and data monitoring with
           Street Tunnel Project,   interchange   underpasses,   Darwish Joint    daily and weekly reporting
           Abu Dhabi                                       Venture/Parsons        Pre-construction  building/structure
                                  each 1 km long.
                                                                                  condition survey

           NDM tunneling for      56 m tunnel,1.8 m dia, 4 m
           storm water pipeline   below GL in silty soil, under   Samsung – Saif Bin   Supply, Installation and Monitoring
           under Corniche road,   busy Corniche Road       Darwish Joint Venture
           Abu Dhabi

                                  West     of     Olympic
                                  Roundabout to West of New
           Al Rayyan Road Project 7   Rayyan   Roundabout.  Doğuş- Onur-JV        Supply, Installation and Monitoring
           Contract 2 Doha
                                  Construction  and  Upgrade
                                  of Road

                                                                                  Monitoring   of   T74R,   T77B,
           Chenani-Nashri Road    ~ 9 km two lane tunnel   Leighton               T-77C,T49B tunnels
           Tunnel Project
                                                                                  Supply and Installation

           Banihal- Qazigund Road   ~ 9 km four lane tunnel     Navyug            Supply of Instruments
           Tunnel Project

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