Page 7 - ENCARDIO-RITE - User List
P. 7
Project Contractor/ Client Scope of works
Supply of Instruments; Carrying out
~ 8.8. km, one of the
Rohtang Road Tunnel HP/Strabag Afcons JV tests by TSP System of Amberg
longest road tunnel in India
5 road tunnels of total
Kiratpur-Ner Chowk Site HP/IL&FS Engineering Supply and Installation
length ~ 5 km
Monitoring of T1, T2, T3, T5, T7,
Srinagar - Baramulla ~90 km Katra-Laole Section Konkan Railway T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T38, T39,
Rail Link Project (Konkan of Udhampur Corporation Limited T40, T42, T43, T44, T45, T46 and
Banihal) T47 tunnels
Supply and Installation
~ 11.5 km Zone-V; Laole- Ircon International Monitoring of T-73, T-80 & T69
Pir Panjal Railway Qazikund section and Limited tunnels
Tunnel Project
Zone-III Khari section Supply and Installation
Udhampur- Srinagar- ~8.5 km Zone-IV A & IV in Ircon International Monitoring of T74R,
Baramulla Rail Link Dharam-Qazigund section Limited T77B,T-77C,T49B tunnels
Project Supply and Installation
Tunnels: Jiribam-Tupul, Geoconsult India Pvt. Ltd. Supply and Installation
Imphal – 5 tunnels
Tunnels: Manipur, Imphal AECOM Supply, Installation and Monitoring
Northeast Frontier
Contract I6057_T-1 to T-9 & Geoconsult India Pvt. Ltd. Supply, Installation and Monitoring
I6066_T-12 for tunnels
I6072_Lumding-Silchar Geoconsult India Pvt. Ltd. Supply, Installation and Monitoring
Pile Load Testing and Bridge
Mumbai Mono Rail L&T-SCOMI JV/ MMRDA Supply of Instruments
Gulbarga Rail Line ~1.7 km tunnel at Margutti Bidar Gulbarga, SC Supply & Installation
Project Railways
Through marketing
Lyon-Turin Rail Tunnel ~57 km long base tunnel Supply of Instruments
Taesei Corporation,
East West Highway ~5.6 km long tunnel Japan; Cojaal (c/o Itochu Supply of Instruments
Project, Algeria
Corporation) Consultant
Brenner Base Tunnel ~ 55 km long tunnel Through marketing Supply of Instruments
(Italy to Austria) associate
Platamonas tunnel, Tunnel sections Through marketing Supply of Instruments
Greece associate
Egnatia Motorway, ~ 680 km long – Anilio and Through marketing Supply of Instruments
Greece Anthochori tunnels associate
CCSA Subway Tunnel Through marketing
Line H Project, Tunnel sections associate Supply of Instruments
Argentina 5