Page 13 - February 2019 Club Car
P. 13
Maintenance-Of-Way Meeting
March 9, 2019 at 9:00AM in the White House
Joe Peterson, Bob Pratt, Henry 9) Kershaw Production Tamper (Keep) a year MOW Maintenance Day/Week-
Baum and myself (Doug Vanderlee) : Looking for newer model. end for equipment and training/refresh-
walked the line of M.O.W. (Mainte- 10) Spud Liner (Keep) : Overhauling er. We are planning for a March 9, 2019
nance-of-Way) equipment and various presently. Use out East and Supply at 9:00AM meeting in the White House.
other pieces scattered around the yard. Cart mover. An agenda will be set up and emailed
We discussed each piece of equipment 11) Burro 40 (Keep) : Rebuilt engine prior to meeting.
as to whether or not to keep, trade or being worked on by vendor. Please contact Joe, Bob or myself
scrap, plus any NEW acquisitions and 12) Spiker (Keep) : Needs work on one to talk about any of the subjects writ-
other topics. We did agree that each side spiker. ten about. If, you would like to take on
piece of MOW equipment needs an 13) Ballast Regulator (Keep) : Needs to a MOW Equipment project that would
Operators Manual, Parts Manual (both be gone over mechanically and paint- be Great! If, everyone adopted a piece
kept in file cabinet in Blue Container), ed. of equipment to look after that would
Operator’s “Cheat” Sheet (Laminated) 14) Chipper (Keep) : Need Key people help assure we have safe and running
and a Daily Checklist Binder (both kept training (4-5). equipment when needed.
on the unit). The Daily Checklist would 15) Bucket Truck (Keep) : New Water Thanks!
be for the “Qualified” Operator to veri- Pump just installed. Doug Vanderlee
fy that the Engine Oil Level, Hydraulic 16) Portable Hydraulic Track Lift (Keep
Oil Level, Fuel Level, Radiator Water ?) : Needs to be mechanically gone
Level, Lights, Horn, Brake Shoes, Fire over. NO more jacks? RECERTIFICATION
Extinguisher, etc. are ALL within prop- 17) Hydraulic Traveler (Keep ?) : Adapt
er limits and condition before use. This for Supply Cart mover and mobile Hy- CLASS
will be Mandatory to fill out once enact- draulic Power?
ed. A MOW Roster of equipment has 18) Yard Dog (Keep) : For use with
been started with pictures and informa- Heavy Hauler and other road or rail FOR ALL TRAIN
tion. This will go on our website. The movement.
list of MOW Equipment below is NOT 19) 250 Ton Wrecker and Tender : AND ENGINE CREWS
steadfast as to final determination. Paint? Display/Demo special events ON
1) Tie Crane – (Keep) : Needs Hydrau- New or Used equipment needs were MARCH 16
lic Oil leak fixed on Spinning Head Mo- also discussed. A new Switch Tamper, MARCH 23
tor. Engine Oil changed recently. a new Portable Hydraulic Unit (1-10
2) Mongo – (Keep) : Engine rebuilt GPM and 2-5 GPM ports) and a new MARCH 24
recently. 112 Volt Electric Generator Tie Crane/Handler.
needs to be replaced. CLEAN Equipment was brought up.
3) Smoke Chaser – (Trade?) : Issue This means that NO OTM, Tools, Rags, HELD AT
with Transmission? New Firefighting dunnage, drink containers, etc. are to WHITE HOUSE
Push Cart will be built. be left on equipment at the End of Day,
4) Big Bird – (Keep) : New 20” wheels unless Supply Cart loaded for ongoing 0900 TO 1200
needed. job and discussed with others.
5) Scarifier – (Trade ?) : Overhauled by MOW Exams and Manuals will be
Mike Winkler. Too much hand shovel- kept on-line so anyone can access COFFEE AND LUNCH
ing? anytime. PROVIDED
6) Tie Extractor – (Keep) : Lift Table A dedicated area for Hydraulic Hos-
leak fixed. Plow attachment to clean es, Fittings, Manifolds and others parts
crib invented by Steve Barkkarie. was talked about for the MOW area. BRING RULE BOOK
7) Crab Car (Keep) : New Battery, new Filter Makes and Numbers (Oil, Fuel,
wood deck and paint, plus engine cov- Air, Hydraulic) will be added to “Daily AND TIMETABLE
er. Checklist”. If you change a filter, please
8) Jackson Switch Tamper (Trade ?) use a Permanent Marker to write the
: Electrical Tripping needs to be diag- Date on the Filter. TESTS WILL BE GIVEN
nosed. Also talked about was having a once
February 2019 Pacific Locomotive Association Page 13