Page 15 - February 2019 Club Car
P. 15


          - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -  Volunteer  Report  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                                                       by Paul Veltman
        The following is a list of the people who helped run your railroad in December. Names in Bold are new members, first timers,
        or the first time in a long time.  If you are new to volunteering on the railroad, please print your name clearly on the sign in
        sheet so it can be read.  You can also send hours by e-mail to  Note that if I can’t read your writing,
        you may not get credit for the hours you worked as well as having your name grossly misspelled.

        Administrative    Train of Lights    Train of Lights   Train of Lights   Train of Lights    Mechanical Dept
        Henry Baum        Rich Alexander     Frank Fontes      Sally Mills       John Zielinski     Jeff Schwab
        Dexter Day        Rich Anderson      Glenn Fountain    Melody Minto                         Alan Siegwarth
        Jim Evans         Mary Asturias      Charles Franz     Sharron Morrison  Depot Crew/Operations  Linda Stanley
        Gail Hedberg      Bob Bailey         Rob Giles         Charlene Murrell  Kent Hedberg       Bill Stimmerman
        Kent Hedberg      Laura Bajuk        Jim Gilmore       Charles Navarra   Mark Miller        Dave Tadlock
        Dennis Mann       Steve Barkkarie    Armano Giovacchini Chris Norrie     Jackie Vlasak      Stephanie Tadlock
        Peter Midnight    Henry Baum         Warren Haack      Adam Palmer       Pat Warren         Howard Wise
        Joe Scardino      Ed Best            Jim Hague         Bev Patterson                        Bob Zenk
        Jim Stewart       Linda Best         Bonnie Harrington  Mike Pechner     Switching Crew
        Paul Veltman      James Bradas       Jack Harrington   Tony Peters       Gerry Feeney       MOW / Track
                          Lou Bradas         Zonker Harris     Joe Peterson      Kent Hedberg       Bob Bailey
                                                                                                    Steve Barkkarie
        Meetings          Pat Buder          Gail Hedberg      Bob Pratt                            Chris Campi
        Donna Alexander   Jean Bulycz        Kent Hedberg      Ron Quilian       Electrical & Signals  Dave Fontes
        Rich Alexander    John Burnside      Brian Hitchcock   Joe Romani        Tim Flippo         Frank Fontes
        Henry Baum        Dave Burla         Curt Hoppins      Dan Sarka         Curt Hoppins       Mark Miller
        Dave Burla        John Burnside      Patti Johnson     Joe Scardino      Bill Kenney
        George Childs     Mike Carter        Randy Johnston    Derek Schipper    Dave Lion          Anthony Noddings
        Dexter Day        Chris Chisom       Steve Jones       Earle Schremp     Joe Romani         Chris O’Gara
                                                                                                    Joe Peterson
        Jim Evans         Bruce Compton      Donald Kirker     Judy Schremp      Logan Rubowsky     Bob Pratt
        Gail Hedberg      Tom Crawford       Chuck Koehler     Alan Siegwarth    John Zielinski     Mike Strider
        Kent Hedberg      Scott Crislip      Fred Krock        Janet Smith                          Doug Vanderlee
        Jim Kyser         Ray Crist          Greg LaFramboise Richard Smith      Mechanical Dept
        Dennis Mann       Paul Davison       Justin Legg       Rene Sporer       Rich Anderson
        Peter Midnight    Dexter Day         Jorg Linke        Linda Stanley     Henry Chandler     Other
        Bob Pratt         Doug Debs          Dave Lion         Jim Stewart       Doug Debs          Zonker Harris
        Dan Sarka         Gerry Dewees       Ron Logan         Wayne Stoddard    Gerald DeWitt      Steve Jones
        Steve Slabach     Nancy Dewees       Derek Lyon-McKeil Pat Stratton      Gerry Feeney       Barry Lependorf
        Jim Stewart       Gerald DeWitt      Kim Lyon-McKeil   John Sutkus       Charles Franz      Paul Veltman
        Pat Stratton      Fred Elenbaas      Dennis Mann       Jackie Szymanski  Jeff Haslam
        Paul Veltman      Bob Engberson      Roger McCluney    Dan Thomas        Chris Hauf
                          Jon Engberson      Al McCracken      Ron Thomas        Kent Hedberg
        Car Department    Laura Engberson    Jim McDaniel      Sue Thomas        Steve Jones
        Bob Bailey        David Ernest       Patrice McDonald  Andrew Turnbull   Chuck Kent
        Ray Crist         Shirley Ernest     George Mednick    Ted Unruh         Justin Legg
        Dennis Mann       Jim Evans          Marvin Mendosa    Jackie Vlasak     Dennis Mann
                          Gerry Feeney       Mike Miller       Daniel Vygodner   Dee Murphy

        Train of Lights   John Fenstermacher Tom Miller        Jon Williamson    Bill Ross
        Donna Alexander   Tim Flippo         Dan Mills         Eric Wright       Derek Schipper

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