Page 38 - Mark Gommers "Bowlines Analysis
P. 38
Complex Collar Structures (Based on a ‘Myrtle’)… continued
An ‘Anti-Myrtle’ will be created if the returning eye leg enters the nipping loop from the
same side as the ongoing eye leg. That is, the direction from which the returning eye leg
enters the nipping loop is what characterizes the structure as being ‘Anti’. This form is less
stable compared to the returning eye leg entering from the opposite side. This tendency
toward instability can be countered by ensuring that both loops have opposite handedness
When both loops have the same
chirality, the structure is very
unstable and collapses under load.
Right hand
(Z twist)
Nipping loop
Ongoing Returning Right hand
eye leg
(Z twist)
eye leg
Collar Anti-Myrtles projected as
flattened 2D like images. SPart
Left hand
(S twist)
Right hand
(Z twist)
Ongoing eye leg Left hand
eye leg Left hand (S twist)
(S twist)
eye leg
In this Anti-Myrtle, the loops are of opposite chirality. This has
the effect of countering instability caused by the returning eye
leg entering the nipping loop from the same side as the ongoing This Anti-Myrtle is very unstable because both
eye leg. However, this author posits that the Anti-Myrtle is loops have the same ‘handedness’. The nipping loop
inferior to the Myrtle. will open and collapse under load.
Page 37 of 59 Bowline Analysis Version 2.7a 16 July 2016 © Copyright Mark Gommers