Page 38 - Issue 9
P. 38


          Counting the costs as Premier League

          returns after coronavirus break

          The Premier League returned on June 17   remaining 92 matches.”      increased or restructured rebate to TV
          after the clubs gave “Project Restart” the   The league has also approved the use   companies if fixtures are not completed.
          green light. The first to start were four   of five substitutes in all matches to help   High-profile  fixtures  are being played
          teams who had 10 fixtures remaining,   reduce the risk of injury given the quick   at  neutral  venues  for  fear  of  crowds
          so as to bring them in line with the rest   frequency of matches ahead.  gathering outside stadiums as the
          of the League-Manchester City versus
          Arsenal and Aston Villa against Sheffield   As part of the “Black Lives Matter”   nationwide lockdown eases and the
          United- were the first fixtures played.  movement’s campaign, following the   warm weather continues.

          90 other games kicked off June 19, with   killing of George Floyd by a while   Meanwhile, Premier League clubs face
          every match shown live on television,   policemen in the US, that sparked global   a £1bn reduction in their revenues in
          with no two games playing at the same   protests against racial discrimination,   2019-20  because of  the coronavirus
          time across weekends and all matches   the first 12 matches of the league will be   pandemic, according to a report by audit
          televised in the U.K.             played with  names on the back of shirts   firm, Deloitte.
                                            replaced by “Black Lives Matter”
          It is hoped that the league will be                                  The report says, the 20 English top-flight
          finished to allow the FA Cup final to   All  games  are  being  broadcast  live,   clubs had combined revenue of more
          take place on Aug. 1, with the semifinals   with four matches to be shown on the   than £5bn for the first time in 2018-19.
          scheduled start July 18-19. The FA Cup   BBC- the first to be made free-to-air on   But this season has been on hold since
          quarterfinals will take place over the   terrestrial television since the Premier   March, and the 92 remaining matches
          weekend of June 27.               League’s inception in 1992.        will be held behind closed doors.
          All dates are provisional, subject to the   Testing for COVID-19 for players   Deloitte’s Dan Jones said: “significant
          appropriate safety measures being put   and  staff  of clubs and  Premier  League   revenue reduction and operating losses
          in place and other issues being finalized,   management is organized to take place   in European football are expected”
          but it marks the biggest step yet toward   twice a week, with any players or staff   The Deloitte report says £500m of the
          the return of competitive football in   testing positive self-isolating for a period   reduction  for  Premier  League  clubs  -
          England.                          of seven days.                     in rebates to broadcasters and a loss of
          The over 90 league games will be packed   Moreover, the EURO 2020 was   matchday revenue - will be “permanently
          into a frantic 40 days concluding on 26   postponed to 2021, according providing   lost”, with the remainder “deferred”
          July, with fixtures will be played behind   the Premier League with greater fixture   until 2020-21 if this season and next are
          closed doors as one of a host of measures   flexibility. Although issues with player   completed.
          to prevent any further cases of the virus.  contract remain a challenge, particularly   An EFL spokesman said: “The EFL
                                            due to the time pressure imposed on
          With  Premier League  chief executive   players. Many players have contracts   has  been  consulting  with  its  member
          Richard Masters saying: “Sadly, matches   ending 30 June, with the 2020-2021   clubs for some time regarding potential
          will have to take place without fans in   season scheduled start in August.  changes to financial and sustainability
          stadiums, so we are pleased to have                                  regulations with the aim of improving
          come up with a positive solution for   Besides, there is also a financial incentive   the current position in all three
          supporters  to  be  able  to  watch  all  the   to resume playing, with the threat of an   divisions.”

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