Page 37 - Issue 9
P. 37


          Racial bias in English

          football commentary

             acial bias is a clear and significant   “To address the real impact of structural   this is not the case across a large sample
         Rproblem     in   English  football  racism, we have to acknowledge and   size indicates there is bias in the way
          commentary, this is according to a   address racial bias,” the PFA’s equalities   the media discuss players based on the
          groundbreaking study that found players   executive, Jason Lee, said. “This study   colour of their skin.”
          with lighter skin are regularly and   shows an evident bias in how we describe   But along with the piece of commentary
          overwhelmingly praised for intelligence,   the attributes of footballers based on   that focuses on how “fit and strong” Real
          work ethic and quality compared with   their skin colour.”           Madrid’s Ferland Mendy is, they harden
          those with darker skin, who are reduced   RunRepeat’s research took six  months   the view of black athletes being less
          to physical and athletic attributes.
                                            and centred on 20 games from each   intelligent  and hard-working  and  able
          The study was carried out by RunRepeat,   league in the 2019-20 season. Only   to succeed only because of their “God-
          a Danish research firm, and is the first   English-language  commentary  was  given” physical and athletic attributes.
          aimed at understanding whether the   analyzed in order to avoid errors caused   That leads to racism, including the lack
          football media talks differently about   by inaccurate translations and this was   of  opportunities  black  former players
          players depending on their skin tone.   sourced from seven broadcasters: Sky   receive in coaching, management and at
          More than 2,000 statements from   Sports, BT Sport, FreeSports, beIN   boardroom level.
          commentary on 80 games across the   Sports, TSN, NBCSN and ESPN.
          Premier League, Serie A, La Liga and   In the commentary analyzed by   “Commentators  help  shape  the
          Ligue 1 were analyzed.            RunRepeat, 643 players were referenced   perception we hold,” said Lee, the
                                                                               former Nottingham Forest, Charlton
          RunRepeat ratio-adjusted its numbers   and each was designated a skin-tone   and Watford forward. “It’s important
          to account for the fact there were 1,361   value between 1-20 based on those   to consider how far-reaching those
          comments about lighter-skinned players   assigned in the database of Football   perceptions can be and how they impact
          and 713 about darker-skinned players   Manager 2020, the latest version of the   footballers once they finish their playing
          and found the former group more widely   popular computer game, with 1-11   career.
          praised for intelligence (62.60 per cent),   classified as “lighter skin tone” and 12-20
          hard work (60.40 per cent) and quality   as “darker skin tone”. RunRepeat focused   “If a player has aspirations of becoming a
          (62.79 per cent). Commentators are also   on skin tone because it felt focusing on   coach or manager, is an unfair advantage
          6.59 times more likely to talk about the   race would lead to misidentification.  given to players that commentators
          power of a player if he has darker skin   A total of 2,074 commentary statements   regularly refer to as intelligent and
          and 3.38 times more likely to reference   were collated and split across 11   industrious, when those views appear to
          his pace.                         categories, with the differences in praise,   be a result of racial bias?”
          The study also found that 63.33 per   criticism and references to intelligence,   How the football media, and broadcasters
          cent of criticism from commentators in   quality, hard work, power and speed   especially, react to the study, particularly
          regards to the intelligence of a player is   the most startling. As the report   concerning the heightened “Black Lives
          aimed at those with darker skin, while   states:  “Players  with  lighter  skin  tone   Matter” following the killing of George
          the figure for quality is 67.57 per cent.  should receive the same proportion of   Floyd in the US by a white policeman
                                            comments about, for example, their   that has sparked protests globally against
          The study has received the backing of the   intelligence or their work ethic as   racial discrimination, is a matter of wait
          Professional Footballers’ Association.   players with darker skin tone. The fact   and see.

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