Page 35 - Issue 9
P. 35

Silk Road connects planned and    Africa, reaching about $46 billion.  The Academy of Military Science,
          completed Chinese port clusters in                                   China’s top military research institute,
          Sudan, Mauritania, Senegal, Ghana,   The offloading of Chinese excess   said in its latest strategic review that One
          Nigeria, Gambia, Guinea, São Tomé   capacity in Africa has not been without   Belt One Road has increased the need
          and  Príncipe,  Cameroon,  Angola,  and   problems. In East Africa, Kenya has   for global focused strategy to protect
          Namibia. Another route links Djibouti   been the hardest hit. In 2017, Kenya’s   China’s overseas interests. Similarly the
          to Gwadar, The final arc of this corridor   cement exports to the region dropped   Communist Party of China has adopted
          connects Walvis Bay to Chinese port   by 40 percent due to the flood of   the concept of “protecting overseas
          clusters in Mozambique, Tanzania, and   Chinese cement entering the country.   nationals as a core Chinese interest.
          Kenya before also connecting to Gwadar.  That year, the World Bank warned that
                                            Kenya’s economic competitiveness was   Given the strategic nature of Chinese
          These revived trade routes help   declining due to the influx of Chinese   investments in Africa, such as ports,
          China diversify its supply chains   excess capacity in Tanzania and Uganda   railways, oil and gas pipelines, and power
          and create a China–Indian Ocean–  its main export destinations.      plants, some African governments view
          Africa–Mediterranean  Sea   Blue                                     attacks on Chinese interests as a threat
          Economic Passage to connect Africa   In the past decade, Tanzania and   to their own national security. Signed
          to new maritime corridors in Pakistan,   Uganda’s imports from China increased   by African leaders in 2018, the current
          Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar.   by as much as 60 percent, while those   China-Africa Action Plan, states that the
          Beijing’s military posture matches its   from Kenya grew by 4 and 6 percent,   security of “major domestic economic
          expanding maritime and naval reach   respectively, over the same time period.   projects” and “safety of Chinese
          under OBOR.                       Kenyan manufacturers have blamed   nationals,
                                            their country’s declining market share
          This is particularly evident in the Indian   of industrial products on Chinese firms,   Chinese companies and major projects”
          Ocean,    where                                                                       will be prioritized
          China’s planned sea                                                                   in    intelligence,
          lanes are heavily                                                                     military, and police
          concentrated and                                                                      cooperation. That
          its rivalry with is                                                                   year,    Uganda
          growing.  Africa’s                                                                    became the first
          importance   to                                                                       African  country
          China  in   this                                                                      to   deploy   it
          regard stems from                                                                     military to protect
          its location in a                                                                     Chinese interests
          maritime    area                                                                      in  response  to
          in which Beijing                                                                      attacks on Chinese
          hopes to expand                                                                       nationals by locals.
          its  presence  and                                                                    In    neighboring
          power projection.                                                                     Kenya,    China’s
          Indeed,  a decade                                                                     security  services
          ago China’s reach                                                                     set up and trained
          in Africa’s adjacent                                                                  an   elite  Kenya
          waters      was                                                                       police   division
          nonexistent.                                                                          to  protect  the

          Africa is also an                                                                     Mombasa-Nairobi
          important end user                                                                    railway.
          of China’s industrial overcapacities,   which they also accuse of importing   In its attempt to neutralize threats to its
          particularly coal, cement, steel, glass,   raw materials from China and hiring   investments, Beijing has also provided
          solar,  shipbuilding, and  aluminum,  for   Chinese labor.
          use in One Belt One Road projects.                                   technologies to build local capacity for
          In  Kenya,  imports  of  Chinese  cement   China’s  policy  of employing Chinese   intelligence collection, surveillance,
          increased tenfold n 2016 while the   labor  for its  infrastructure projects   monitoring, and response. This includes
          Nairobi-Mombasa railway was being   in Africa has resulted in more than   facial recognition technologies, which
          built. In 2018, Chinese exports of steel   200,000  Chinese  citizens  working  on   were recently supplied to Angola,
          to Nigeria rose 15 percent, and Algeria   OBOR contracts across Africa. This, in   Ethiopia, and Zimbabwe. This is causing
          tripled its imports of the product. In   turn, creates a justification for Beijing   apprehension in Africa, given the
          2019, China’s global aluminum exports   to take a hands-on approach toward   tendency for some governments to use
          rose by 20 percent, with exports to   protecting them, as well as its sprawling   intrusive technologies against political
          Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and South   investments.                opponents and activists.

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