Page 31 - Issue 9
P. 31

Country Profile

          South Africa,                                                        City of Johannesburg

          The rainbow nation

            outh  Africa  is  the  southernmost   countries has painted the country in bad   Asian heritage.
         Scountry on the African Continent. The   light. The country still experiences wide   The country’s colonial past means that
          country has a population of population   economic disparities between whites   Afrikaans and English is widely spoken
          at 58, 78 million. Approximately 51,2%   and blacks, a challenge that the country   compared with the rest of the continent.
          (approximately 30 million) of the   continues  to  grapple  with  26years  of   South Africa has a rich cultural legacy,
          population is female.             black rule.                        with tribal traditions mixing with the
          South  Africa  is a  multi-ethnic,   South Africa is one of the most   more Westernised population. This
          constitutional  democracy  which  geographically varied countries on the   melting pot of cultures has created a
          comprises a parliamentary republic and   continent, with a coastline that stretches   fascinating range  of  languages,  music,
          nine provinces. South Africa is governed   1,600 miles, vast desert plains and   cuisine, religion and art in one country.
          from  three official capitals,  Pretoria,   mountainous terrain. It is the world’s   South Africa’s many nationalities and
          Bloemfontein and Cape Town. Despite   leader in mining and minerals and   cultures are reflected in its cuisine,
          not being a capital city, Johannesburg,   has nearly 90% of the platinum metals   which has African, Asian and European
          situated in the inland province of   and 41% of the gold on earth. South   influences. Main Languages:  Afrikaans,
          Gauteng, is the country’s largest city   Africa is also home to four of the five   English, Ndebele, Pedi, Sotho, Swazi,
          and has a population of almost 4.5   fastest land animals in the world – the   Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa, Zulu.
          million people. South Africa has a   cheetah, wildebeest, lion and Thomson’s   Main Religions:  Christianity, Islam,
          turbulent history, but since 1994, has   gazelle and the country’s wildlife attracts   Hinduism,  Judaism,  Indigenous
          been governed by the African National   millions of tourists each year.  religions.
          Congress (ANC) which scored its 5    South Africa is often referred to as the   South  Africa  is  Parliamentary
          election victory in 2014, and as a result,   ‘Rainbow Nation’ – a term coined by   Democracy with strong political parties.
          the lives of many citizens have improved   Archbishop Desmond Tutu – because of   The ruling party ANC is the ruling
          significantly.                    its cultural and racial diversity. Over 70%   party. The African National Congress
          However, despite having one of the largest   of South Africans identify themselves as   (ANC) is the current governing party of
          economies in the African continent,   black African, descended from tribal   the Republic of South Africa.  The ANC
          the country continues to experience   cultures from all over the African   was founded in 1912 in Bloemfontein
          poverty, crime, unemployment. The   continent. The rest of the population is   and is the oldest liberation movement in
          recent episodes of xenophobic attracts   made up of Afrikaners (descended from   Africa. The Currency of South Africa is
          on foreigners, largely from African   Dutch settlers) and those of Indian and   the Rand (ZAR).

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