Page 26 - Issue 9
P. 26


         Ethiopia start

         filling dam in

         July, even as

         Egypt cries foul                     Ethiopia says it will begin filling a disputed dam, deal or no deal with Egypt and Sudan

             t  consultative  meetings  held  Ethiopia downplayed Cairo’s call for   Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Blue
         Abetween 17-21 June, Ethiopia made   UN intervention “The issues can be   Nile is over 70% complete, and promises
          it clear it want to begin filling the Grand   solved without taking it to the Security   to provide much-needed electricity to
          Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)   Council” foreign minister, Andargachew   Ethiopia’s 100 million people. Egypt
          reservoir in the coming, a matter   said.                            seeks to protect its main source of
          that Egypt has raised concerns about,   Both countries have made clear in the   freshwater for its large and growing
          particularly regarding the plan of filing   past that they could take steps to protect   population, also more than 100 million.
          the reservoir too quickly and without   their interests, should negotiations fail,
          an agreement that could significantly   and experts fear a breakdown in talks   Experts opine that Egypt will start
          interfere with the amount of Nile water   could lead to conflict.    feeling  the  effects of  the  dam  almost
          available to Egypt.                                                  immediately Ethiopia starts filling the
                                            After the technical talks on how to fill
          The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam   GERD ended without a deal, Egypt,   reservoir behind the dam. Further,
          (GERD) is perhaps the most pressing   Sudan and Ethiopia on Sunday said   observing that Ethiopia should fill the
          water  issue  for  Egypt  as  the  world   talks would continue later in the month   reservoir of the dam in extended years’
          commemorates March 22, World Water   to resolve their dispute, even as Cairo   intervals so  that  Egypt  does  not  feel
          Day, a United Nations holiday that aims   accused Addis Ababa of rejecting   serious  effects,  with water reduction
          to spark discussion on the importance   “fundamental issues” at the heart of the   to Egypt decreasing by somewhere
          of freshwater and the sustainability of   negotiations.              from 12 to 25 percent during the filling
          freshwater resources.             Egypt’s Irrigation Ministry said in a   period.
          The controversy surrounded GERD   statement that Ethiopia was looking   Sudan has proposed that the Prime
          began in 2011, immediately construction   to renegotiate a number of points of   Ministers of the tree countries be directly
          on the project started.  The Dam was   contention, which “demonstrated that   involved in the spat over controversy
          expected to be completed in 2017;   there are many fundamental issues that
          meanwhile, negotiations between Egypt   Ethiopia continues to reject.”  and deal with the disagreements.
          and Ethiopia have been ongoing since                                 Meanwhile, a latest dispatch from the
          then.                             Irrigation  Ministry    spokesman  office of the Prime Minister of Ethiopia’s
                                            Mohammed el-Sebaei accused Ethiopia
          Following the collapse of the technical   of bogging down the talks with a new   issued 26, June said  “Egypt, Ethiopia and
          talks, Egypt called on the UN Security   proposal he called “concerning.”  Sudan will agree a deal to fill the giant
          Council to help resolve the row. “The                                Blue Nile  dam in two to three  weeks,
          Arab Republic of Egypt took this   Earlier, Ethiopia’s deputy army chief   following mediation by the African
          decision in light of Ethiopia’s negative   had said his country will strongly   Union to broker a deal to end a decade-
          stances” Egyptian ministry said in a   defend itself and will not negotiate its   long dispute over water supplies.
          statement.                        sovereignty.
          It called on the Council to “intervene   In February, talks ended in an   Ethiopia’s  water  minister,  Seleshi
          and shoulder responsibilities to avoid   acrimonious, after Ethiopia rejected a   Bekele,  said  that  consensus  had  been
          any tension and maintain international   U.S.-crafted deal and accused the Trump   reached to finalise a deal within two to
          peace and security”.  This is the second   administration of siding with Egypt. At   three weeks, a day after leaders from
          time Egypt has submitted a complaint to   the time, Egypt’s Foreign Ministry said   the  three  countries  and  South  African
          the Council opposing Ethiopia’s plan to   it  would  use “all available  means”  to   President Cyril Ramaphosa, who chairs
          fill the dam. The plan is also opposed by   defend “the interests” of its people.  the African Union (AU), held an online
          Sudan.                            Construction of the $4.6 billion Grand   summit.

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