Page 22 - Issue 9
P. 22

East Africa

          Burundi’s Evariste Ndayishimiye

          is sworn in as president

              ajor     General     Evariste  into refugee camps in neighbouring   Burundi’s economy is heavily reliant on
         MNdayishimiye       on   Thursday  countries.                         agriculture and most of the citizens live
          was sworn in as the new president of   Mr Nkurunziza had earlier expelled   in poverty.
          Burundi for a seven-year term in office,   World Health Organization (WHO)   No foreign heads of state were present
          renewable once.                   representatives  from  the  country  when he took the oath of office in the
          Ndayishimiye was elected in May, in a   following his insistence on holding   administrative capital, Gitega, where he
          vote disputed by the opposition, and was   May’s election amidst the outbreak.  pledged to defend the nation’s interests
          meant to take office in August    The president-elect will have to decide   and unify its citizens.
          But his inauguration was speeded up   if the status quo should continue - or   Ndayishimiye was born in 1968 in the
          after his predecessor Nkurunziza’s   chart a new path. He could do this by   Giheta district of the Gitega province
          sudden death on June 8 due to heart   mending  fences  with  the international   in central Burundi. He is a father to six
          attack.                           community, including the WHO, to start   children.
          Nkurunziza,  who  ruled  the  east  Africa   dealing with the coronavirus pandemic,   Ndayishimiye joined the University of
          nation for 15 often tumultuous years,   which the global health body has said is   Burundi to study Law, but later dropped
          was said by the government to have died   accelerating in Africa.    out 1995 due to the political-ethnic
          of a heart attack                 Burundi’s government has denied    turmoil that in country in early 1993
          The 55-year-old then out-going president   allegations it targets its people,   following the assassination of then-
          was taken ill less than two weeks after his   calling them malicious propaganda   President Melchior Ndadaye, and joined
          wife had been flown to a Nairobi hospital   by dissidents. Angered by scrutiny, it   the CNDD, a Hutu rebel movement that
          for treatment for COVID-19, according   became the first country to withdraw   became CNDD-FDD party.
          to local media reports. Speculation is rife   from the International Criminal Court.  In 2003, Ndayishimiye joined the army
          he may have caught the virus.                                        following the government and CNDD-
                                            Ndayishimiye, 52, was the ruling party
          Ndayishimiye’s  swearing-in  ceremony   the CNDD-FDD (National Council for   FDD had signed a cease-fire agreement
          took place at the Ingoma Stadium in the   the  Defense  of Democracy-Forces  for   and  the rebel forced integrated  to the
          administrative capital Gitega, with the   the Defense of Democracy) candidate   national army, becoming the deputy
          public asked to arrive early to allow time   in last month’s election winning with   chief of staff of the Burundian army the
          for coronavirus measures such as hand-  68.70% of the votes defeating six other   same year.
          washing and temperature checks.   candidates.                        He was appointed the home affairs and
          The swearing in followed ruling of the   He was backed by his predecessor   public security minister in 2006 and later
          same court which upheld Ndayishimiye   and was declared the winner of May’s   appointed senior advisor in the office
          as the winner of the presidential election   presidential  election,  which  the  of the president in charge of military
          held on May 20 and an advisory by the   opposition said was rigged.  and civil affairs. In 2016, he served as
          constitutional court to bring forward the   In his victory speech, Ndayishimiye,   Secretary General of the ruling CNDD-
          ceremony on the death of Nkurunziza.   had appealed to Burundian refugees   FDD party.
          The Court ordered the president-elect to   scattered in different countries to return   Ndayishimiye, commonly known as
          take office immediately.          home to build their country. He urged   “Neva”, resumed his studies in 2012 and
          The new president is taking over a country   the Burundian people to safeguard   completed his law degree at Wisdom
          that is diplomatically isolated and in bad   peace and security and to respect each   University of Africa in Bujumbura in
          terms with donors and a pariah with the   other in their diversity. He called on the   2014. He chaired the National Olympic
          international community. Thousands of   international community to support   Committee from 2009 to 2017.
          Burundians have fled the country and   Burundi.                      Mr Nkurunziza died aged 55 after 15

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