Page 23 - Issue 9
P. 23

years in power; he was due to step down   Tanzanian president  will seek  another   groups, with him exhibiting tendencies
          in  August.  In  2015,  the  the  Burundi   five-year term of office in the next   that frowned upon criticism and
          constitution was changed, allowing   general elections slated for October,   alternative voices, particularly from the
          Mr Nkurunziza to seek a third term,   according to local media reports.  media and the opposition.
          triggering huge protests, an attempted   President  John  Magufuli  made
          coup and a widespread crackdown.  the announcement after collecting   Recently, Tanzanian opposition leader
          According to Human Rights Watch,   nomination forms at the party     Freeman Mbowe, who has announced
          there have been at least 67 documented   headquarters in  the capital  Dodoma   his intention to run against Magufuli,
          killings, including 14 extrajudicial   City. Magufuli, 60, is the fifth president   was allegedly beaten and hospitalized
          executions, in the last six months. There   of Tanzania, and has been in office since   in what his Chadema party said was
          have also been disappearances, cases of   2015. Magufuli is also the chairman of   a “politically-motivated” attack.  The
          torture and over 200 arrests against real   the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (Party   government has denied seeking to stifle
          or perceived political opponents.   of the Revolution).              dissent.   .
          The security forces have been accused                                Attacks against opposition parties and
          of  using  excessive  force  to  shut  down   The East African country’s constitution
          opposition activity.              limits the tenure of office of the president   its supporters have risen sharply under
                                                                               Magufuli, whose administration has
          Some  regional  leaders  and  human   to two five-year terms. General elections   been accused by rights groups of eroding
                                            will be held in the East African country
          rights groups expressed hope that the   on Oct. 25 2020 to elect the President   democratic freedoms.
          new president, an ally of Nkurunziza,
          might break with certain ways of his
          In a statement, Amnesty International
          called on  Ndayishimiye  to  rein  in the
          Imbonerakure youth wing of the ruling
          party, accused of killings and other
          abuses, and urged the immediate freeing
          of imprisoned journalists and others
          jailed for exercising their human rights.
          The rights group also urged Burundi’s
          new leader to investigate the deadly
          violence that followed Nkurunziza’s
          decision in 2015 to pursue a third term,
          which many called unconstitutional.
          His 2015 run for a third term in office
          sparked protests and a failed coup, with
          violence leaving at least 1,200 people
          dead  while  some  400,000  fled  the
          country.                           Tanzania’s General elections in October, as Maguful announces re-election bid
          The World Bank estimates that seven out
          of 10 Burundians live below the poverty   and National Assembly.     Opposition    parties,   including
          line, and the country’s 11 million                                   Chadema and Alliance for Change and
          people will hope that whoever ends up   “I have collected nomination forms   Transparency (ACT Wazalendo) have
          president will make their lives better,   today seeking party’s approval for re-
          as Burundi remains one of the world’s   election. I will start looking for sponsors   called for an independent monitor to
          poorest countries                 right away from here [Dodoma],” he was   oversee the elections, warning they will
          Ndayishimiye is inheriting a deeply   quoted as saying.              not be free otherwise.
          isolated country, under sanctions and   The announcement came just a day after   “The current setup of the electoral
          cut off by foreign donors, its economy   Magufuli dissolved the parliament. “I   commission does  not guarantee free
          and national psyche damaged by years of   want to assure everyone that the elections   polls, as it favours the ruling party.
          political violence and rights violations.  will  be free and fair, for all political   The chairman and some other officials
                                            parties,” Magufuli told legislators.   are appointed by the president, who
                                            Tanzania’s parliament has been dissolved   is the ruling party leader,” said ACT
                                            ahead of elections due in October, with   Wazalendo chairman Seif Sharif Hamad.
                                            President John Magufuli pledging a
                                            “free and fair” vote in a country where   In November, the ruling Chama Cha
                                            the opposition has decried a climate of   Mapinduzi (CCM) party won more
                                            fear and violence.                 than 99 percent of seats in local elections
                                            Magufuli, took office in 2015 promising   boycotted by the opposition over
                                            a crackdown on corruption but whose   allegations of government interference.
          Late, Nkuruzinza                  presidency has drawn criticism by rights   The government denied foul play.

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