Page 27 - Issue 9
P. 27


          XI chairs Africa

          Summit, calls

          for solidarity

          to defeat

          COVID-19                          President Xi Jinping in virtual meeting with African leaders

            resident Xi Jinping June 17, called   experience via video link conferences.  under heavy financial stress, China will
         Pon China and Africa to defeat the                                    work with the global community to give
          novel coronavirus with solidarity and   South  African  President  Cyril  them greater support, Xi said.
          cooperation. The two sides should   Ramaphosa said at the meeting that the   Adding that:“China will work with other
          work together to build a China- Africa   summit “demonstrated the depth and   members of G20 to implement the G20
          community of health for all and take their   resilience of solidarity between China   Debt Service suspension initiative, and
          comprehensive strategy and cooperative   and Africa”.                urged  the  G20 to extend debt  service
          partnership to a greater height.  “Sino-Africa solidarity and better   suspension still further for countries
          Xi made the remarks in Beijing when   multilateral  cooperation is key to   concerned, including those in Africa.
          chairing the Extra-ordinary China-  winning the battle on the pandemic”, he   He further said China supports Africa
          Africa summit of solidarity against   said, calling on both sides to continue   in  its  effort  to  develop  the  Africa
          COVID-19  held  via  video  link.  The   to strengthen the bind of solidarity and   Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)
          summit was jointly initiated by China,   take collective action to secure the future   and to enhance connectivity, and
          South Africa, the rotating co-chair of   of humanity.                strengthen industrial and supply chains.
          the  African  Union  (AU)  and  Senegal,   Ramaphosa expressed the gratitude   China will explore broader cooperation
          the chair of the Forum on China-Africa   of African people to Xi, the Chinese   with Africa in search of new business
          Cooperation (FOCAC).” China will lose   government  and  the  people  for  their   economy, smart city, clean energy, and
          not time in following through on the   generous  donations  of  personal  5G to boast Africa’s development and
          measures it announced at the World   protective equipment and other medical   revitalization, said Xi.
          Health Assembly, and continues to help   assistance.
          African countries by providing supplies,   Describing the summit as “excellent   Other African leaders who attended
          sending expert teams and facilitating   initiative”, the Senegalese President   the summit include Egyptian President
          Africa’s procurement of medical supplies   Macky Sall, further saying in his speech   Abdel-Fattah-al-Sisi,  President  of
          in China. Xi said.                that, leaders attending the meeting had   the Democratic Republic of Congo,
          He said China will start ahead of   affirmed their aspiration to consolidate   Felix Tshisekedi, Algerian President
          schedule the construction of Africa   the  friendship  between  Africa  and
          CDC headquarters this year, working   China.                         President Ali Bongo Ondimba and
                                                                               Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta.
          with Africa to deliver the healthcare   Sall also voice support for the role of
          initiative adopted at the FOCAC Beijing   the World Health Organization for   Others were, Malian President Ibrahim
          Summit, and spead up the construction   coordinating the global response to the   Boubacar Keita, Niger’s Mohamadou
          of China-Africa Friendship Hospitals   epidemic.                     Issoufou, Nigerian President Muhamadu
          and cooperation  between paired –up   In his speech, Xi encouraged China and   Buhari, President Paul Kagame of
          Chinese and African hospitals.    African countries to strengthen the Belt   Rwanda,  Zimbabwean  President
          “We pledge that once the development   and Road cooperation and accelerate the   Emmerson  Mnangagwa,  Ethiopian
                                                                               Prime  Minister Abiy  Ahmed,  and
          and deployment of COVID-19 vaccine   follow up to the FOCAC Beijing summit.   the Chairman of the African Union
          is complete in China, African countries   Adding that China will councel the debt   Commission Moussa Faki Muhamat.
          will be among the first to benefit,” Xi   of relevant Africa countries in te form of
          said.                             interest-free government loans that are   The Secretary General of the United
          So far, China has send to over 50   due to mature by the end of 2020 within   Nations, Antonnio Gutterres and
                                                                               the Director General of the World
          countries  and  the  AU  their  much   the FOCAC framework.          Health Organization, Tedros Adhanon
          needed supplied and dispatched medical   For those African countries that are   Ghabreyesus attended the meeting as
          experts,  and  shared  its anti-epidemic   hardest ht by the coronavirus and are   special guests.

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