Page 29 - Issue 9
P. 29


          Floyd’s brother tells

          UN ‘black lives do not

          matter’ as UN staffers

          Speak                                                        A mural in Minneapolis by Xena Goldman, Cadex Herrera,
                                                                       Greta McLain, Niko Alexander, and Pablo Hernandez

           n a passionate speech, Philonise Floyd   around the world.          was “to ensure the accountability of
         Imade an impassioned speech via                                       perpetrators and redress for victims”.
          video-link to an urgent United Nations   Philonise Floyd said his brother had
          Human Rights Council debate on    been “tortured to death” as witnesses   In her statement to the council, Bachelet
          “systemic racism” in the US and beyond.  begged the officer to stop, “showing us   said Floyd’s death had brought to head
                                            black people the same lesson, yet again:   the sense of outrage felt by overlooked
          Philonise, George Floyd’s brother on 17   black lives do not matter in the United   people and the protests were “the
          June begged the United Nations to help   States of America”.         culmination of many generations of
          African Americans because “black lives                               pain”.
          do  not  matter  in  the  United  States”,  as   “You in the United Nations are your
          the UN’s rights chief urged reparations   brothers’ and sisters’ keepers in America,   “Behind today’s racial violence, systemic
          for centuries of discrimination.  and you have the power to help us get   racism, and discriminatory policing
                                            justice for my brother George Floyd.”  lies the failure to acknowledge and
          Michelle  Bachelet, the  United  Nations   “I am asking you to help him. I am   confront the legacy of the slave trade
          High Commissioner for Human Rights,   asking you to help me. I am asking you   and colonialism,” the former Chilean
          said the “gratuitous brutality” of Floyd’s   to help us black people in America.”  president said.
          death in police custody encapsulated
          racism that harmed millions of people   He urged them to establish an   She stressed the need to “make
          of African descent. She urged countries   independent international commission   amends for centuries of violence and
          to confront the legacy of slavery and   of inquiry -- one of the UN’s highest-  discrimination,  including  through
          colonialism and to make reparations.  level probes, generally reserved for   formal apologies, truth-telling processes,
                                            major crises like the Syrian conflict.  and reparations in various forms.”
          The council, based in Geneva, is
          debating a draft resolution pushing for   An initial text presented to the meeting   Australia,  South Korea  and  the
          Bachelet to investigate racism and police   on behalf of 54 African countries had   Netherlands all issued statements in the
          civil liberties violations against people   proposed such an inquiry, but the   chamber that were broadly supportive of
          of African descent in the United States.   proposal was dropped, the resolution   Washington’s outlook.
          President Donald Trump withdrew the   heavily watered down following stark   Meanwhile, more that 20 senior officials,
          United States from the council two years   opposition from Washington and some   who are African or of African descent
          ago.                              of its allies.                     have  put their  names  to a  personal
          Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, died in   It now calls on Bachelet and UN rights   and hard-hitting statement, expressing
          Minneapolis on May 25 after a white   experts  to  “establish  the  facts  and   outrage at pervasive and systematic
          police  officer  --  since  charged  with   circumstances relating to the systemic   racism,  UN  News  reported.  Those
          murder -- pressed his knee on Floyd’s   racism, alleged violations of international   who signed the statement include high
          neck for nearly nine minutes.     human rights law and abuses against   profile heads of UN agencies, including
                                            Africans and people of African descent”   World Health Organization Director
          Amateur video of the incident sparked   by law enforcement in the US and   General Tedros Adhanon, Ghabreyesus,
          demonstrations and calls to address   beyond -- especially those incidents   and Executive Director of the UN joint
          systemic racism in the United States and   that resulted in deaths. The aim, it said,   Programme of HIV/AIDs, Winnie

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