Page 11 - Nile Explorer Issue 006
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Commission  (MEC)  committed  multi-  ethnic  laager,  including  the  capital,   Efforts  by  lawyers  for  the  Electoral
       ple  breaches  against  several  pertinent   Lilongwe, without a convoy of heavily   Commission and the ruling party first
       sections  of  the  Constitution,  and  even   armed military vehicles. The popularity   to dismiss the case and later to extend
       created illegal processes, thereby raising   of the Malawi Defense Force rose, and a   the  time  for  disclosures  of  documents
       serious doubts about the validity of the   few misguided elements even seemed to   and information by the 2nd respondent
       election results. In its ruling, it called for   yearn  for  the  dangerous  respite  of  a   (Malawi  Electoral  Commission)  to  the
       the appointment of new officers for the   military  coup.  Predictably,  businesses   2nd  petitioner  (Lazarus  Chakwera  of
       commission.                          and the economy were shuttered.     MCP)  were  curtailed.  The  case  was
                                                                                referred  to  select  High  Court  judges
       On May 27, 2019 the deeply compro-   The other institution in which the disaf-  sitting as a Constitutional Court (such a
       mised  Electoral  Commission  had    fected and inflamed masses placed their   court doesn’t exist as a separate entity).
       declared the incumbent, Professor Peter   political  desires  and  demands  for   The court also dismissed several appli-
       Arthur Mutharika of the ruling Demo-  electoral  justice  was  the  judiciary.   cations  by  the  Attorney  General  in
       cratic People’s Party (DPP), winner with   Within  a  week  after  the  general   August  and  September  for  sanctions
       38.57%  of  the  popular  vote,  against   elections were held, the two opposition   and  an  injunction  against  political
       35.41% garnered by Dr. Lazarus Chak-  parties filed separate petitions with the   demonstrations.
       wera  of  the  Malawi  Congress  Party   High Court for the nullification of the
       (MCP), the age-old Independence party,   presidential elections over alleged irreg-  Thus  began  the  months-long  election
       and  20.24%  for  Dr.  Saulos  Chilima  of   ularities  and  mismanagement  of  the   case that was broadcast live and trans-
       the  insurgent  United  Transformation   electoral system.               fixed the troubled nation. Hearing of the
       Party  (UTM)  formed  in  2018  by  the                                  case commenced on August 8 and ended
       country’s  former  Vice  President.  The   The odor of electoral malfeasance began   on  December  20,  2019.    The  hearings
 Photo: A woman casts her vote at CCAP Primary School polling station during the Malawi Tripartite   rest  was  shared  by  four  other  minor   days  after  the  election  as  stories  of   lasted  61  days  and  according  to  the
 general elections in Mzuzu. on May 21, 2019. (Photo credit PATRICK MEINHARDT /AFP via Getty
 Images)  candidates.                       rigging  started  circulating,  buttressed   Constitution  judgement  had  to  be
                                            by  delays  in  announcing  the  results.   rendered  within  45  days.  February  3,
       The    results   provoked    angry   Soon  a  new  word  entered  Malawi’s   2020  marks  the  45th  day.  The  court
  e much anticipated ruling of Malawi’s   In a lengthy judgement comprising   was substantial compromise of citizens’   nation-wide protests led by the follow-  political  vocabulary:  Tip-ex,  a  correc-  hearings with all their gravity and levity
 Constitutional Court was somberly   more than 500 pages, but summarized   voting  rights  and  the  principles  and   ers of the two main opposition parties   tion  fluid  used  to  alter  vote  results   enraptured the population as no other
 delivered to an anxious, tense, and   in a proceeding that was broadcast live   processes of free and fair elections.  e   and  civil  society  organizations,  most   sheets.  The  elections  were  Tip-exed,   event  since  the  transition  from  the
 polarized nation on February 3, 2020. In   to an anxious nation, the court noted it  magnitude of the irregularities and   notably  the  Human  Rights  Defenders   Mutharika  was  Tip-Ex  president,  the   one-party  dictatorship  to  multi-party
 a unanimous decision, the court   was alive to the enormous importance   anomalies  were  so  widespread,  Coalition,  which  paralyzed  the  major   overwrought  social  media  went  into   democracy in the early 1990s. It raised
 nulli ed the hotly contested and rigged   of the case given that this is the  rst   systematic and grave that the results   cities in the months that followed. The   overdrive. On May 25, UTM called for   national awareness about election laws
 presidential election of May 21, 2019. It   time in the country’s history that a   were compromised, and could not be   protesters  accused  the  DPP  and  MEC   nullification  of  the  election,  while  the   and  processes,  and  democratic  rights
 was a brilliant legal victory for the   presidential  election  has  been  trusted as a true re ection of the will of   led by Dr. Jane Ansah of gross electoral   DPP requested the immediate release of   and responsibilities. The country’s crass
 opposition parties, and a profound   subjected to a court dispute and ruling.   the voters.  fraud.  They  called  for  the  ouster  of   the  election  results,  and  MCP  applied   and  corrupt  ruling  cabal  was  exposed
 political watershed for the country.   e court stressed the Constitution   President Mutharika and Dr. Ansah, the   for a judicial review of the presidential   for all its impunity, iniquity, and inepti-
 calls for an open, transparent and   In a meticulous and masterly exhibition   latter  under  the  #AnsahMustFall   election  results  from  several  districts   tude.
  e  level of  public  anticipation  and   accountable government through the   of jurisprudence and judgement, the   campaign,   and   demanded   fresh   and constituencies.
 apprehension was so high that in many   democratic choice exercised by its   judges  painstakingly  outlined and   elections.  DPP  supporters  responded   Some  lawyers  and  pundits  were
 parts of the country businesses, schools,   citizens.  e right to vote is guaranteed   analyzed all the issues in contention, the  with   counter-demonstrations,   MEC  proceeded  first  to  release  the   applauded, others damaged their repu-
 o ces, and public transport were closed   and entrenched in the Constitution   applicable laws, and interrogated   state-sanctioned   intimidation,   and   results  of  the  parliamentary  election,   tations  for  their  mediocrity  and  men-
 or suspended. It felt like a national   under the Bill of Rights.   relevant legal precedents from other   support  rallies  for  the  beleaguered   and briefly withheld results of the presi-  dacity.  Similarly  some  witnesses  were
 holiday. Like millions of spellbound   countries.   e  defense  of  the  Chair of MEC led by women function-  dential  vote  for  a  few  more  days  that   celebrated  and  others  were  ridiculed
 Malawians at home and in the diaspora   It a rmed elections must be managed   respondents against the charges of the   aries  of  the  regime.  Sporadic  violence   raised  much  suspicion.  The  influential   into  ignominy.  The  latter  included  an
 I was glued to the radio. It made   with all due diligence and integrity, and   petitioners was le  in tatters.  ey lost   broke out in several areas.  and quasi-religious body, Public Affairs   insufferably  arrogant  cabinet  minister
 watching the impeachment trial of   conducted in a fair and transparent   on the important issues of proof in an   Committee (PAC), issued a press state-  who  flaunted  a  fake  doctorate  degree,
 President Trump in the US Senate,   manner. Clearly, this was not the case   election case and the processes  of   The country was on fire, staring at the   ment on May 30, 2019 stating categori-  unearned  accolades  so  beloved  by
 where  the Republicans  save  for two   with the May 21 presidential election.   election management.  e court found   abyss  of  ungovernability.  Public  order   cally that the elections lacked credibili-  African elites, but couldn’t mention his
 refused to allow additional witnesses   In more than ten hours of reading the   the Malawi Electoral  virtually collapsed in some parts of the   ty.  The  next  day,  on  May  31,  the  two   alma  mater,  a  term  he  didn’t  seem  to
 and documents, seem farcical in   summary  judgement,  the  court
 comparison. So much for mature and  systematically  demolished  the  country  as  the  discredited  police  lost   main  opposition  parties  filed  separate   know!  In  the  meantime,  large  demon-
 emerging democracies!  arguments of the respondents.  ere   their credibility and authority. Even the   election cases, which were consolidated   strations  and  counter-demonstrations
       president could no longer travel freely   by  the  High  Court  four  days  later   continued.
       to many parts of the country outside his   because they were similar.
                                                                                            The Nile Explorer 006 | 11
                                                                                            The Nile Explorer 006   |  11
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