Page 12 - Nile Explorer Issue 006
P. 12

The country seemed to be spiralling out
       of  control  and  the  acrimony  between
       the ruling and opposition parties inten-
       sified.  PAC  called  for  dialogue  on  the
       electoral stalement to no avail. Appeals
       for  an  open  and  inclusive  dialogue  by
       the  foreign  diplomatic  missions  of
       Germany,  Ireland,  Japan,  Norway,  the
       United Kingdom, and the United States
       also proved ineffectual.

       The  court  hearings  systematically
       revealed  blatant  manipulation  and
       mismanagement of the electoral process
       and  system.  The  submissions  by  the
       lawyers of the opposition parties vigor-
       ously  argued  that  the  Electoral  Com-  The challenge was brought  by Lazarus  Chakwera  (left)  and Saulos  Chilima
       mission  had  breached  their  duty  and   (centre) against President Peter Mutharika (right)
       infringed  on  the  petitioners’  and
       citizens’  political  rights  under  various   The  second  was  a  shocking  leak  in   by arresting leading nationalists, which
       sections  of  the  constitution.  They   mid-January 2020. It was reported that   provoked  more  protests.  The  day  is
       concluded, “the irregularity and fraud in   on November 28, 2019 the Chief Justice   marked  as  a  national  holiday  called
       the  elections  were  substantial  and   had lodged a formal complaint with the   Martyrs’  Day  in  honor  of  nationalist
       significant that they affected the integri-  Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) about a   heroes who sacrificed their lives in the
       ty of the elections.”               bribery  attempt  targeting  the  judges   protracted struggle for decolonization.
                                           hearing the case for the nullification of   Then there is of course July 6, Malawi’s
       The  petitioners  sought  nullification  of   the presidential election. On January 22,   Independence Day. In the postcolonial
       the  presidential  election  of  May  21,   the ACB ordered the arrest of Mr. Thom   era,  June  14,  1993  marks  a  significant
       2019  and  the  declaration  of  Peter   Mpinganjira, a leading business tycoon.   day  when  a  referendum  was  held  to
       Mutharika as president-elect as invalid,   But later that same night, Mr. Mpingan-  abolish President Banda’s ruthless MCP
       null and void. In their lengthy submis-  jira’s lawyers managed to get an order   dictatorship and introduce multi-party
       sions,  the  respondents  accused  the   from a magistrate in another city quash-  democracy.  The  referendum  was
       petitioners  of  relying  on  hearsay   ing  the  arrest  warrant.  Several  days   approved by nearly 65%  of the voters.
       evidence,  and  claimed  “there  were  no   later, on January 28, a High Court judge   My parents’ generation had fought for
       irregularities or other factors that beset   ordered the re-arrest of Mr. Mpinganji-  the ‘first independence,’ mine was in the
       the election and that even if any were   ra,  and  for  disciplinary  action  to  be   forefront of the ‘second independence.’
       there,  they  did  not  affect  the  result  of   taken against the errant magistrate and   In  recognition  of  my  own  role  in  the
       the election.” They requested dismissal   lawyer. The case underscored both the   democratic  struggle,  the  opposition
       of the petitions with costs.        rot  and  rectitude  of  the  country’s   party,  the  United  Democratic  Front
                                           besieged judicial system.            appointed  me  Shadow  Minister,  but  I
       In January 2020, the drama continued as                                  turned  down  a  Cabinet  appointment
       the nation eagerly awaited the ruling of   As February 3, 2020 approached every-  when  the  party  won  the  elections  in
       the Constitutional Court. Two particu-  one wondered, which face of the courts   May  1994.  Unfortunately,  my  initial
       lar  events  caught  public  attention  and   would show up. There are few dates in   misgivings  about  the  leadership  and
       wrath. One was a visit by the European   any  nation’s  history  that  mark  pivotal   integrity of the President Bakili Mulu-
       Union’s  election  observation  mission.   moments.  In  Malawi’s  history  they   zi’s  ten-year  corrupt  and  lackluster
       They announced plans to release their   include  February  3,  1915  when  the   administration were borne out.
       report  on  the  May  21  election,  which   leader of the first major uprising against
       was met with outrage by the opposition   colonial  rule,  John  Chilembwe,  an   A  day  of  infamy  in  Malawi’s  political
       parties,  civil  society,  and  the  general   American educated Baptist pastor, was   trajectory  under  the  ‘Second  Republic’
       public; the EU team was forced into a   killed. Chilembwe Day is commemorat-  is  July  20,  2011  when  nation-wide
       hasty retreat.                      ed every January 15. Another key date is   protests  broke  out  against  economic
                                           March  3,  1957,  the  day  the  British   mismanagement and creeping political
                                           colonial government declared a state of   authoritarianism  by  the  DPP  govern-
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