Page 14 - Nile Explorer Issue 006
P. 14

Africa Health

        How prepared is Africa

        for an outbreak of deadly


            he  Ebola  outbreak  hit  Africa  and people.  Detailed investigations  quarantines.
        Tlike  a  storm  sweeping  across  found that SARS-CoV was transmitted   Going  by  reports,  African  countries
        West Africa between 2013 and 2014  from civet cats to humans and MERS-  are at real risk of another epidemic
        taking more than 11,000 lives in three  CoV from dromedary camels to    of COVID-19 (as the particular
        countries of Sierra Leone, Guinea  humans. Several known coronaviruses   coronavirus strain in China is
        and Liberia. The devastation was  are circulating in animals that have   now known. The World Health
        of monumental proportions, never  not yet infected humans.  Common      Organization and other regional and
        seen before, in centuries. Although  signs of infection include respiratory   country public health experts are very
        Ebola has been with us long enough,  symptoms  including fever, cough,   worried the “fragile” health systems in
        and keeps popping up, oftentimes,  shortness of breath and breathing    most African countries will be unable
        particularly in the DRC, The 2013/14  difficulties. In more severe cases,   to cope if coronavirus takes hold on
        pandemic was different, it stretched  infection can cause pneumonia, severe   the continent. Even China with its
        the Affected countries’ health systems  acute  respiratory syndrome, kidney   larger pool of technical and financial
        to the limit, sending panic across the  failure and even death.         resources, appears to be struggling to
        continent.                          Standard recommendations to prevent  contain the virus.
        Africa  continent  with  weak  health  infection spread include regular   The majority of the more than 79,000
        systems and the porous land borders,  hand washing, covering mouth and   confirmed coronavirus cases to date
        a major a cause for concern among  nose when coughing and sneezing,     still remain in China’s, but more than
        policymakers and health professionals,  thoroughly cooking meat and eggs.   2,000  cases  have  now  been  reported
        who fear that unchecked migration  Avoid close contact with anyone      in over 24 additional countries, with
        and movement of people between  showing symptoms of respiratory         Egypt being the latest in the count.
        countries could be a challenge in the  illness such as coughing and sneezing.  Study models of the risk of Covid-19
        face of the real threat of the novel   The  disease  caused  by  the new  exposure based on air travel from areas
        corona virus.                       coronavirus (SARS-CoV-19-2) has  in China with active transmissions,
        Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large  officially been named COVID-19. As  and the capacity of individual African
        family of viruses that cause illness  the number of infections and deaths  countries to manage an outbreak
        ranging from the common cold to  continues to climb in China, concerns  suggest—based on Air travel data
        more severe diseases such as Middle  are rising throughout the world about  alone suggests– in order of decreasing
        East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-    the potential global impact. Well over  likelihood – that Egypt, Algeria, South
        CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory  1,000 people have died—a death toll  Africa, Nigeria, and Ethiopia have the
        Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel  that has surpassed that of the severe  highest “importation risk”, with Cairo
        coronavirus  (nCoV)  is  a new strain  acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)  International Airport receiving the
        that has not been previously identified  epidemic  that  occurred in  2002  and  most travellers from areas with active
        in humans.                          2003. Officials everywhere  have  transmission in China – excluding
        Corona viruses are zoonotic, meaning   implemented measures to contain the  Hubei province, the epicentre of the
        they are transmitted between animals   virus, including travel restrictions and  disease, from where flights are banned.
        14  | The Nile Explorer 006
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