Page 5 - Parent Hanbook.cdr
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Your Our genuine commitment...
Child's • To provide a warm, friendly environment where each child is able to realise his/her
full potential through praise, sensitivity and respect
• To provide an environment that respects a child's rights and needs for positive
wellbeing, safety, security, support, socialisation and stimulation. It is in this
At Child's Time we believe the first 5 years of your
environment that children will learn and develop to their greatest potential.
child's life are the most important in shaping his/her
future health, happiness, growth, development and • To recognise families as the most important people in a child's life and strive to
learning achievements. maintain a mutually trusting and respectful partnership, so as to ensure each child
receives the best quality care.
Recent research also confirms that the first five years
are particularly important for the development of the child's brain, and the first • To provide meaningful experiences, reflective of each child's individual and
three years are the most critical in shaping the child's brain architecture. They have collaborative strengths, abilities and interests.
a direct impact on how children develop learning skills as well as social and
• To maintain an excellent reputation for providing innovative learning environments
emotional abilities.
specifically designed to foster children's holistic growth in all areas of their
The early experiences your child has – the things he/she sees, hears, touches, smells development. To maintain aesthetically pleasing facilities that are well organised,
and tastes – stimulate the brain, creating millions of connections. This is when healthy and safe.
foundations for learning, health and behaviour throughout life are laid down.
• To employ educators who are committed to their role as facilitators, researchers
Child's Time Early Learning Centre has designed the programme, curriculum and and partners in children's learning and remain passionate in their endeavour to
routine to ensure your child's TIME in the centre is valued, respected and enriched. support, empower, nurture and inspire children. Educators who value every
We understand how important these first few years are and our responsibility to minute of a child's time, using every opportunity to inspire, develop and grow.
ensure all aspects of our interactions with your child are of the highest quality.
• To provide a quality service to the community by remaining responsive to cultural
and social diversity respecting varying values and beliefs.
From the first day of life to the first day of school, a child
grows at a phenomenal pace that is unequalled to any other • To provide high staff to child ratios, qualified staff, and environment sizes that
exceed Ministry of Education requirements.
time of their life. We are privileged to work with you to help
your child receive the best start. • To ensure your Childs Time with us creates a love of learning that lasts a life time.