Page 7 - Parent Hanbook.cdr
P. 7
W e s e e o u r n u r s e r y a s a n e x t e n i s o n o f ho me and will create a routine for your baby that ea y sil
r t a
The nsitions from hom e to preschool .
ursery 0 - 2 years
In this age group we aim to be highly supportive of parents whilst One thing we know is how much babies love to explore the
providing a program which incorporates warmth, interest, world around them and that their needs are quite special. A
stimulation and security to each infant entrusted to us. The needs of range of activities are provided that allow them to experiment
you and your child will be our highest priority as we work together and explore through a variety of play and sensory experiences
with you to ensure your child's happiness and security, and your using an assortment of materials. Every teacher is responsible for
peace of mind. We see our nursery as an extension of home and will observing and delivering a programme for your young child.
work with you to create a routine for your baby that easily These are kept in individual portfolios with photos for you to view
transitions from home to preschool. at any time. Your child's teacher will regularly meet with you to
discuss your child's portfolio and is available any day for feedback.
Our homely nursery offers baby's high staff to child ratios, ensuring
Our 'TIME to Get To Know You' form gives us valuable information
each child receives full attention and care throughout the day. A
separate area has been designed to allow young babies to move and about your baby and routine at home. We will work with you to
stretch and have safe floor play away from children who are just mirror as much of the routine as possible to allow a smooth
transition from home to nursery, and home again.
starting to crawl and walk.
Our wonderful nurturing teachers look forward to getting to
Our separate sleeproom with full size cots and individual bedding
know you and your baby, and being involved in these precious
ensure each child receives restful sleep time.
early years.