Page 9 - Parent Hanbook.cdr
P. 9


                                        reschool 2 - 3 years

                         Our aim in this age group is to provide a safe, but   and activities that grow and develop his/her unique skills
                         stimulating environment to enable your child to explore   and interests. An area is provided for children that
                         and learn. We believe that by offering children choices,   require a sleep during the day. Each child is provided his/
                         and encouraging them to express their needs, we are   her own bedding facilities. Quality Toilet and Potty
                         providing them with the opportunity to further develop   Training facilities are available to help your child progress
                         their skills on an individual basis. Our respect for you as   through this stage with ease and support.
                         the primary educator of your child, is apparent in the
                         way we continue to work with you as a family.      The use of our gym/ music room will be a major part
                                                                            of our preschool programme as 'learning through
                         Play becomes more identifiable in this age group, so the   doing' is our motto here. This extra room is
                         emphasis is on physical activity. We therefore plan our   great for our 2-3.5 year olds on rainy or
                         programme to offer pre-schoolers ' play with purpose'.   cold days allowing them to be physically
                         Our teachers are trained to offer support with self care   active indoors.
                         activities as part of the day to day programme, such as
                         dressing up, allowing children to feed themselves, toilet   Our preschool facility is open and
                         training support, all essential to their growing skills. As   spacious with exciting equipment
                         in the nursery, a teacher will be responsible for observing   and resources to keep even the
                         your child and ensuring he/she is offered a programme   busiest pre-schooler interested.
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