Page 16 - 20v•Cyber Security Strategy 2020-2024
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16      Malaysia Cyber Security Strategy 2020-2024

            Malaysia is also a target of            government, while respecting the
            Advanced  Persistent  Threat  (APT)     right to freedom of speech.
            attacks, with the most recent
            incident manifested by way of           As Malaysia continues to embrace
            email spear phishing. These threats     digital  technologies,  there  is  an
            can  escalate  further  given  that     increasing need to streamline
            many     Malaysian     organisations    the  management  of  cybercrimes
            continue to operate a number of         and  incidents  to  assure  the  public
            legacy and unsupported systems,         that all cybercrimes and incidents
            which can no longer be updated          will be handled appropriately
            with the latest security patches.       and effectively by the respective
            These legacy systems may have           law     enforcement       agencies.
            multiple  vulnerabilities,  which  are   There  is  a  need  to  eliminate
            susceptible to attack payloads          duplicative efforts and maximise
            and  tools  available  to  cyber        resource utilisation among the law
            criminals.                              enforcement agencies.

            There are  also concerns  about         One of the main reasons for the
            the increasing number of content-       establishment  of  NACSA  was  to
            related    issues   in    Malaysian     coordinate and complement all
            cyberspace. While these incidents       efforts on cyber security to make
            are  relatively still  small in number,   sure that all aspects are given
            the impact  on  the nation is  not.     due attention. While focusing on
            Given the speedy and widespread         cyber security policy, governance
            nature of the Internet as a medium      and coordination matters,  NACSA
            of delivery, the effects of content-    will also be administering other
            related    issues  are   potentially    areas of concern, which will be
            more detrimental and damaging.          mandated to specialised agencies.
            For this reason, Internet-based
            contents, in the form of fake news,     Efforts     concerning        other
            misinformation, contents that are       target areas, namely the CNII,
            seditious and slanderous in nature,     cybercrime, awareness, capacity
            or with racial or religious overtones,   building    and       international
            are  taken  very  seriously  by  the    cooperation  will  be  delegated  to
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