Page 18 - 20v•Cyber Security Strategy 2020-2024
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18 Malaysia Cyber Security Strategy 2020-2024
selected groups of lead agencies, implementation of the strategy,
law enforcement arms and an effective ecosystem and
institutions that have the relevant governance, this Strategy will
expertise and direct responsibility, outline the roles and responsibilities
as well as the required capacity of agencies involved in managing
and capability to deal with the national cyber security. This
related issues and initiatives. will be realised by legislating a
new National Security Council’s
In Cyber Security Ecosystem, Directive, which will elucidate our
NACSA will serve as the focal point enhanced national cyber security
on all matters related to cyber governance arrangements and
security that also spans vertically the restructuring of committees
to include other existing and directly responsible for national
aligned national initiatives such cyber security, and delineating the
as the Digital Infrastructure, Digital exact roles and responsibilities of
Trade, National Security, Digital all relevant agencies.
Malaysia and Digital Government.
NACSA serves as an entity that
is responsible for streamlining
all cyber security planning,
development and implementation.
To ensure the successful