Page 175 - E-Magazine 2016-17
P. 175

Vaishnav C.N of class 7M has won Bronze
                                                                medal  in  50mts  free  style,  under  14  in
                                                                CBSE  South  zone  swimming  competition
            Winners  of  Under       14    Sahodaya    Cricket  held  at  Navabharath  National  School,
            Tournament conducted by DPS Bangalore North   Coimbatore.

            Winners of under 12 live Cricket Tournament         Winners  of  Under    14  Sahodaya  Cricket
                                                                Tournament conducted by DPS Bangalore

            Winners of  the  Under 16 Xlr8 indoor Cricket       Winners  of  the  Under    13  Green  field
            Tournament                                          Cricket Tournament
   170   171   172   173   174   175   176   177   178   179   180